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"Oh, Danny," she cried, "he's the dearest, sweetest thing " She turned away, and he kissed her sympathetically before going inside to the waiting Natalie. Instead of following, Eliza remained on the porch, gazing down at the lights of the little city.

With a sorrowful reverence he took off his hat, and she smiled sympathetically; and the lazy old horse, appearing to understand it all, stopped of his own accord. "Good morning, Jim. Have you been over to the house?" "Yes, ma'm, just left there." "How is he?" "So much better that I believe he's going to get well." "You don't say so!

The humanitarian story is a long step in advance of the fable. It recognizes the true relations of the animal world to man, and insists that it be dealt with righteously and sympathetically. No night was this in Hades with solemn-eyed Dante, for Satan was only a woolly little black dog, and surely no dog was ever more absurdly misnamed.

It was the grown-up people who were so nasty on the subject of sweethearts; the boys and girls never could understand why. Their own inclination was to go about together openly in the most public places; that was how they understood sweethearting; part of the pleasure of it consisted in other people seeing them, and knowing that they were sweethearts, and smiling upon them sympathetically.

Seemed to cut lanes through 'em; though, God be praised, they came on for a bit, and didn't spoil our shooting." Vane, sucking a thermometer under his tongue, nodded sympathetically. "A bit better than sitting in a bally O.P. watchin' other fellows poop at the mud." "How did you get yours?" he queried, as the Sister passed on.

He took occasion to remark, sympathetically: "He must have been a strange man." "He was," she said. "I hope I have made you understand what kind of a man he was, and what kind of a father he was to me. Now, I am coming to the point. This finery you see me in now was purchased without my mother's knowledge or consent, with money of my own.

He held out his hand, which Adam, who had listened sympathetically to the old man's speech, instantly took. Then after one solid grip, they dropped each other's palms with a slight feeling of awkwardness. "I thank you, my Lord," said Adam Ferris, "I appreciate your coming to me. I knew some time ago by a messenger from Stair Garland that my daughter was safe.

He walked up and down the sands frowning and pulling his mouth together, while the Pacific sighed sympathetically at his feet. Across the road the huge hotel standing in its gardens was pierced by a thousand lights. Very few people were about and no one at all was on the sands.

The downright hard-nailed coffin fact was there; the wealthiest man in the country had flown away to Shadowland a common Mr.! You see the straight deduction from the circumstances: we are, say what you will, a Republican people! Newspaper articles on the watch sympathetically for Mr. Bull's latest view of himself, preached on the theme of our peculiar Republicanism.

I have no wish to make their acquaintance, but I cannot well be unneighbourly; one meets them everywhere, so Alick tells me that I must get rid of my insular prejudices and leave our cards at Beechcroft." "It must be an awful nuisance," replied Malcolm sympathetically. "Oh, I don't know; Miss Jacobi is very civil and pleasant.