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Jackson saved him the trouble by following close at his heels, and walking into the apartment before he could articulate a syllable. Mr. Pickwick had, that day, invited his three friends to dinner; they were all seated round the fire, drinking their wine, when Mr. Jackson presented himself, as above described. 'How de do, sir? said Mr. Jackson, nodding to Mr. Pickwick.

He then advised all the estates and magistracies which he was addressing to instruct their deputies, at the approaching session of the States-General, to hold on to the first article of the often-cited preliminary resolution without allowing one syllable to be altered. Otherwise nothing could save the commonwealth from dire and notorious confusion.

"There's a boy at the door wants to see you, Mr. Rockwell," said the girl. "Did you ask him in?" "No sir. He looks like a suspicious carakter," said Bridget, laying the stress on the second syllable. Mr. Rockwell rose, and went to the door. "What is your business?" he asked. "It's about Dick, Ragged Dick we used to call him," said Micky. "You mean Richard Hunter." "Yes," said Micky.

The doctor has put thee in my hands, and I'm going to make thee mind." "I've heard that men were perfect bears when getting well," I said. "Thee can be a bear if thee feels like it, but not another word to- night not another syllable; am I not right, doctor?" "Yes, I prescribe absolute quiet of mind and body; that and good living will bring you around in time.

'Ill? he said 'I'm laughing. It was a diabolical laugh, in one syllable not 'ha! ha! ha! only 'ha! and it made him look wonderfully like that eminent person, whom I persist in thinking he resembles. 'You're an impudent dog, he said; 'where are you living? He was so delighted when he heard of my uncomfortable position in the kennel-bedroom, that he offered his hospitality on the spot.

Many a mile from Ludlow have I called to mind one of its incomparable passages: A thousand phantasies Begin to throng into my memory Of calling shapes, and beckoning shadows dire, And airy tongues that syllable men's names On sands, and shores, and desert wildernesses.

I think that having learned our letters we should read the best that is in literature, and not be forever repeating our a-b-abs, and words of one syllable, in the fourth or fifth classes, sitting on the lowest and foremost form all our lives.

But after an instant he reached over and stopped the transmission of his voice. It happened to end halfway through a syllable. Silence. Not quite silence, of course, because there was the taped record of background noise which went on all the time the Med Ship was in space. Without it, the utter absence of noise would be sepulchral. The voice from outside said: "You cut off. Good! Now listen!

He waved them both aside in one or two short semi-contemptuous sentences, and said no more about them not, at least, until late in life he wrote his "Erasmus Darwin," and even then his remarks were purely biographical; he did not say one syllable by way of refutation, or even of explanation. I am free to confess that, overwhelming as is the evidence brought forward by Mr.

And what, as a consequence of this fact, has the world ever heard in disparagement of Grenada throughout this long series of years? Assuredly not a syllable.