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There was any amount of accommodation for the two of us on the good-natured branches of the old willow-tree. When he had settled himself, my companion said, "Now, Syb, I'm ready for you. Fire away. But wait a minute, I've got something here for you which I hope you'll like."

"No, never mind, Syb; no one wants to hear me sing, until the necessity of the case arises. Let's get on to the feast; I think that will be very popular; for we must have lots of shepherds and shepherdesses; and the people will be delighted to recognize their friends. Where's your sketch, Rose?

I never thought of her in that light; and did you think I was that sort of a fellow, Syb?" he asked reproachfully. "No, Hal," I promptly made answer. I did not think you were that sort of fellow; but I thought that was the only sort of fellow there was." "Good heavens, Syb! Did you really mean those queer little letters you wrote me last February?

"Syb, poor little Syb, I will be good to you! You can have what you like. You don't know what you mean when you say no." No; I would not yield. He offered me everything but control. He was a man who meant all he said. His were no idle promises on the spur of the moment. But no, no, no, no, he was not for me. My love must know, must have suffered, must understand. "Syb, you do not answer.

And talk about not caring why, I have felt fit to kill you and myself many a time the last fortnight, you have tormented me so; but I have managed to keep myself within bounds till now. Will you wear my ring again?" "Oh no; and you must not say I am flirting if I cannot manage to love you enough to marry you, but I will try my best." "Don't you love me, Syb?

There was a short cut across the paddocks to a point of the road where he would pass; and with these thoughts flashing through my mind, hatless and with flying hair, I ran as fast as I could, scrambling up on the fence in a breathless state just as he had passed. "Hal, Hal!" I called. "Come back, come back! I want you." He turned his horse slowly. "Well, Syb, what is it?" "Oh, Hal, dear Hal!

In hot excitement, the black fingers closed on a fold of the brown sleeve. "Kruger Bobs go, too?" "What makes you want to go?" "Syb dere, Boss." "I don't see what difference that makes," Weldon said reflectively. Once more Kruger Bobs turned coy. "Boss go see his vrouw; me go see Syb," he explained briefly. Weldon's laugh astonished him; still more Weldon's answer.

Carew urged, with a sudden assumption of proprietorship which sat well upon him. She faced him with a smile. "Oh, but this is nothing in comparison with Johannesburg. There the work is agonizing. Between wounds and enteric, the place is crammed, and we can't get the nurses we absolutely need. My mother thought I was growing too tired, and she sent Syb up here to take care of me.

Think if these people turn out to be enemies what an advantage we have in being able to see and watch all they do, and yet they not being able to find out anything about us." Sybil. "But I don't like to think they are enemies or that they would be so to us." Gatty. "Of course not, Syb.

He would never tell anyone his feelings on the subject; but such a sudden reverse of fortune, tearing from him even his home, must have been a great blow to him. "Syb, I have been expecting this for some years; now that it is done with, it is a sort of grim relief. The worst of all is that I've had to give up all hope of winning you. That is the worst of all.