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To each side of the beam were attached numerous cords, and with these it was swung backwards and forwards, giving heavy blows each stroke upon the wall. The machines for casting stones, which had arrived, were also brought in play, and day and night these thundered against the walls; while the ram repeated its ceaseless blows upon the same spot, until the stone crumbled before it.

Only there was the little creaking of the yard and the light beating of the idle sail against the mast as the ship rolled and swung to the swell. Some little draught of wind, or the send of the waves, had set her bows to it, and she rode the water like a sea bird at rest. Gerda came at a word when all was ready, and stood beside us with clasped hands.

Dunham swung around and half rose. "Sylvia! Has something happened?" he ejaculated. "No, no, John. I could almost say I wish it were a worse blow for me than for you." The young man settled down again, his back to the judge, whose nervous clutch seemed to desire to hold him in this position. "It's strange it should come just now, when we had but just been talking on the subject.

One of the insulted men, a little tawny fellow, leaped up to confront Gale, and in a frenzy screamed a volley of Spanish, of which Gale distinguished "Gringo!" The Mexican stamped and made a threatening move with his right hand. Dick swung his leg and with a swift side kick knocked the fellows feet from under him, whirling him down with a thud.

Finally the boat was got out, but it took five days to repair it, and even then it was a very poor means of navigation. A few days later, a still more powerful and dangerous rapid was encountered. Some idea of the force of the water can be gleaned from the precautions that were necessary. A line 250 feet long was strung out ahead, and the boat was swung into the stream.

When the club is swung down on to that spot, its head will plough through the turf and be well under the ball by the time it reaches it, and the desired rise will follow. Swing in the same manner as for the drive.

Then Roy walked away toward the dark bunch of horses off the road and Dale swung astride the one horse left. "Keep close to me," he said. Bo fell in line and Helen brought up the rear. Helen imagined she was near the end of a dream.

Little Caillette was very gay, and it was with a pretty, childish laugh that she swung herself to the ground, where in two minutes her father and Fanfar also stood. The two horses, all saddled, stood ready. "You have the papers, Fanfar?" asked Gudel, in a whisper. "Yes I have them." "Then let us start at once." Caillette, without the smallest hesitation, sprang on Fanfar's horse.

"Why was you so anxious she was to have Number 11, if what you've told me is on the level?" she asked, as they approached the hotel. "I don't know, yet, exactly. But I've got a hunch they'll be somethin' doin' a little later." "Uh-huh, an' I'll be right there when it's doin', too. An' you can bet your last blue one on that!" Alice Marcum swung unassisted to the ground as the two approached.

Milosh's subjects revolted against his intolerable tyranny and exiled him in 1839. His son Michel succeeded him, a cultivated man who strove to introduce Austrian educational methods. He was evicted in 1842, and the Karageorges again swung into power. Alexander, father of King Petar, was put on the throne, only in his turn to be chased out in 1858.