United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then a few days went by, and Lopez was pressed for his money at the office of the San Juan mine. Did he or did he not mean to take up the mining shares allotted to him? If he did mean to do so, he must do it at once. He swore by all his gods that of course he meant to take them up. Had not Mr. Wharton himself been at the office saying that he intended to pay for them?

And when I come back, I found Dad waiting up for me ready to skin me alive. He tried to give me a clubbing. I kicked the stick out of his hands and swore that I'd leave and never come back. Which I never done, living up to my word proper. "But when I found myself outside in the night, I says to myself: 'Where shall I go now?

"Our King Henry is a saint, and Queen Margaret a peerless dame of romance, but since I have come to years of understanding I have seen that they neither had true claim of inheritance nor power to rule a realm." "Then would you make your peace with the White Rose?" "The rose en soleil that wrought us so much evil at Mortimer's Cross? Methinks I would. I never swore allegiance to King Henry.

And then this porter had to give up going to that part of the Southern country, for all the white men swore that if he ever came there again they would surely kill him.

Brute anger never had any effect on Justin but to give him a contemptuous, chill self-possession. "You're sure the agreement's made?" "Cater's been sending new consignments as fast as they could go for the past three days; he's loaded up with machines." Leverich swore again. "Confounded fools, not to have made terms with Hardanger first! If we'd only known!

And another piece of news traveled as fast and as far the whereabouts of Finnegan. Mr. Clarkson had incidentally informed his gun-captain, who told the gun-crew; and from them the news went down the hoist and spread. Men swore louder over this; for though they did not want Finnegan around and in the way, they did not want him to die.

And about this time it began to dawn upon him that it did not pay in the wild to monkey with great black-backed gulls, even trapped ones. He swore, as well as he could, in a gurgling croak. Then Clash! Horrors upon diabolical horrors! Another trap?

By this hand, the dead man had died. Remorse smote me hard; and like lightning I asked myself, whether the death-deed I had done was sprung of a virtuous motive, the rescuing a captive from thrall; or whether beneath that pretense, I had engaged in this fatal affray for some other, and selfish purpose; the companionship of a beautiful maid. But throttling the thought, I swore to be gay.

"I was afeared you'd change your mind about marryin' Jack." "When I promised I meant it. I didn't make it on conditions." "But, lass, promises can be broke," he said, with the sonorous roll in his voice. "I never yet broke one of mine." "Wal, I hev. Not often, mebbe, but I hev.... An', lass, it's reasonable. Thar's times when a man jest can't live up to what he swore by.

They found there a half dozen men lounging about the entrance, who scowled and swore at Offitt for being late, and then followed him sulkily up two flights of ill-smelling stairs to his room.