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I saw that if I put him on the defensive I should have him at advantage, for he had not that art of the true swordsman, the prescient quality which foretells the opponents action and stands prepared. There I had him at fatal advantage could, I felt, give him last reward of insult at my pleasure.

Indeed, I could have sworn that a woman's voice cried out through the dark; but the rain was in my face and a sword striking red against my own. Thanks, yes, thanks a thousand times to M. Picot's lessons; for again and yet again I foiled that lunge of the unscrupulous swordsman till I heard my adversary swearing, between clinched teeth. He retreated. I followed.

Then, as he threw his arms about Fabia, and tried to raise her to her feet, he saw the giant Dumnorix, with his flail-like sword, rushing back to the rescue. Four brigands lay dead in the atrium and none of the others dared look the redoubtable Greek swordsman in the eyes; but Dumnorix came on the incarnation of brute fury.

'Consider, said I, 'you say that I am your prisoner. I might with equal reason say that you are mine. We are alone here, and though I have no doubt that you are an excellent swordsman, you can hardly hope to hold your own against the best blade in the six light cavalry brigades. His answer was a cut at my head. I parried and shore off half of his white plume. He thrust at my breast.

Willet, that you are an incomparable swordsman, and it must be true, or you would not have been able to defeat Boucher. But that matter is adjusted. You will not be held here because of his death. It seems that the Intendant, Monsieur Bigot himself, does not wish to carry it further. But the letters from the Governor of New York?" "Mr. Lennox has them," said Willet.

"No, I quite see that, and I am not thinking of trying; but it would have been a first-rate plan." "You are very good at sword play," Surajah suggested, although somewhat doubtfully. Dick laughed. "The first really good swordsman that came along would make an exhibition of me. No; one would have to do something really well." The subject was renewed, after they had seated themselves with Pertaub.

No matter how pedantic or polemical the old judge became, Hardy was willing to listen to him; and Lucy, hovering in the background, would often smile to hear them argue, the judge laying down the law and equity of the matter and Rufus meeting him like an expert swordsman with parry and thrust.

They saw, too, that the youth was a swordsman far surpassing de Mézy and that now he was playing with his enemy. He struck down his opponent's guard at will, and his blade whistled about his body and face. Nemours' hand fell to his own hilt, but the watchful Willet saw. "Be careful," the hunter said in a menacing tone. "Obey the rules or I'll know the reason why."

Never did man more gallantly sustain his honour with heaviest odds against him than did the Seigneur of Rozel that day. As he was carried away by the merry gentlemen of the Court, he called back to the favourite: "Leicester is not so great a swordsman after all. Hang fast to your honours by the skin of your teeth, my lord."

He was a worthy opponent for me though for more than fifteen years I had been ranked the best swordsman of Sir John's army. "One night we lost ourselves in the interest of our close contest and made such a noise that it reached the ear of a spy passing the outer door.