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The sergeant struggled violently, and by so doing set some more springs in motion, and the figure's right arm made terrific swipes in the air. A following of boys and loafers had collected by this time. "Blimey, how does he lash out!" was the remark they made.

Until she was startled and terrified sadly by the loud, angry clang of the bell in the gable. Not only was Mr. Swipes come back, but he was in a furious rage outside, though his fury was chilled with some shivers of fear.

"If you fellows won't peach," said he in an eager undertone, "I'll tell you something and you can help." "What?" "We'll have Graves if you will all do as I tell you." "Watch me," cried Swipes, turning a somersault. When he was in the most harrowing position, Brown gave him a swift kick. "Give him one for me, Shorts," whispered Spuddy, but Swipes was on his feet again, ready to listen.

I said. "No offal tripes swipes ullage." Mr. Pyecroft entered, in the costume of his calling, with the ham and an assortment of tin dishes, which he dealt out like cards. "I shall take these as my orders," said Mr. Moorshed. "I'm chucking the Service at the end of the year, so it doesn't matter." We cut into the ham under the ill-trimmed lamp, washed it down with whisky, and then smoked.

"Swipes," he heard Hall say, "we've decided that we can't stand that pretty face of yours around, but as we like you and don't want to send you away, we will change the expression on it. A gash on each of those rosy cheeks will alter your whole appearance, so much, that not one of your lady friends will ever recognize you again. In after days, when you grow to be a man, you will thank us for this.

Down went a waiter, and down went another waiter. Sam made a couple of tremendous swipes, and then down went the Aurora's captain and one of his crew. The Aurora's captain's head, I thought, would be knocked clean off, the way the turkey hit him. Then over went a row of French stokers, and, with a back-handed sweep of the turkey, down went the bartender behind.

''Ord hang it! roared Captain Guano, still fumbling at the leathers, 'I shall never be able to ride with stirrups in this state. 'Hang your stirrups! exclaimed Charley Slapp, shooting past him; adding, 'It was your saddle last time. Brick and Swipes quickly had all the hounds after him, and Stot, dropping his elbows, made for the road, to ride the second horse gently on the line.

The wrong doer is neither the principal nor I. If Porcupine incited them, then it would be enough to get rid of the students and Porcupine. Where in thunder would be a peach of damfool who always swipes other people's faults and says "these are mine?" It was a stunt made possible only by Badger. Having made such an illogical statement, he glanced at the teachers in a highly pleased manner.

We're living on a planet which has to take the swipes of the universe, because it has permitted that corrupt, quarrelsome, and pernicious beast, man, to populate the hemispheres. Krool is staying on with me, Barry." "We're in heavy seas, and we don't want any wreckers on the shore," was the moody and nervously indignant reply. "Well, Krool's in the heavy seas, all right, too with me."

Old Jolyon would speak quite openly of swipes, full tosses, half and three-quarter balls; and young Jolyon with the guileless snobbery of youth had trembled lest his sire should be overheard. Only in this supreme matter of cricket he had been nervous, for his father in Crimean whiskers then had ever impressed him as the beau ideal.