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Well, they did have it; yes, indeed, they did; and a happier set of young people were never turned wild in green-woods. To be sure, there were some draw-backs; for instance, when a dozen or so went off to swing in a wild-grape vine, Sadie Brooks couldn't go, her dress was too long, and it would tear her gloves.

"He got away?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am. I lost him in some of these hollows, or rather I never found him. I'm going to take my hawss and swing round in a circle." "What are you going to do with me?" she smiled. "I been thinking that the best thing would be for you to go to the Mal Pais mines with Mr. Neill." "Who is Mr. Neill?" "The gentleman over there by the fire." "Must I go with him?

Number four bring forward the ammunition packs. No, leave the others where they are; move lively, men!" He watched them swing like magic into formation, their dust-begrimed faces lighting up with animation. They knew their officer, and this meant business. "Unsling carbines load!" Weir, the veteran soldier, glanced down that steady line of ready troopers, and then back to Brant's face.

"Dear me!" said the Calico Clown, "I'm never going to get a chance to tell my joke. What is it, Candy Rabbit? Can you see?" The sweet chap was just going to say he could see nothing, when there came a whinny from a big White Rocking Horse standing on the floor near a lawn swing. "Oh, you're here at last, are you?" neighed the White Rocking Horse.

The explanation, such as it was, did not linger. The heavy train thundered in from the west; stopped barely long enough to allow the single passenger to swing up the steps of the Pullman; and went on again to stop a second time with a jerk when it had passed the side-track switch.

Holly got out of the swing. "I want to tell you something, Dad. It was through me that Jolly enlisted and went out." "How's that?" "When you were away in Paris, Val Dartie and I fell in love. We used to ride in Richmond Park; we got engaged. Jolly found it out, and thought he ought to stop it; so he dared Val to enlist. It was all my fault, Dad; and I want to go out too.

"Success is very sweet, Charmian, even in the smallest thing; for instance," said I, pointing to the cottage door that stood open beside her, "when I built that door, and saw it swing on its hinges, I was as proud of it as though it had been " "A really good door," interpolated Charmian, "instead of a bad one!" "A bad one, Charmian?" "It is a very clumsy door, and has neither bolt nor lock."

"Hello, everybody!" softly called the voice of the Flannel Pig, as he peered out from the roof of a toy dog house, where he had been put by one of the workmen. "Now we can have some more fun!" "We must be sure every one is gone," said the Plush Bear, as he began to swing his head from side to side. For he had been wound up, and now the wheels and springs inside him were beginning to move.

But Maurice knew well what she meant. "What could I do there up at Spanish Town," he would answer, "among such a pack as there are there? Here I may do something." And then she would reply with the full swing of her eloquence, "It is because you and such as you think only of yourself and not of Jamaica, that Jamaica has come to such a pass as this.

There are many rooms where we can shelter in the wet and cold weather, a great lounge with writing-tables, and a smoking-room and there is no house on earth kept so spotlessly clean as a ship! When we go down to dinner we sit on chairs that swing round like office chairs, only they are fixed into the floor, and as they only swing one way, there are some funny scenes till people get used to them.