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But she made no sound, and turned very white as she swayed a little, trying to throw herself back. With a swift movement that was gentle but irresistible, Griggs pushed Francesca back, keeping his eyes on the girl above. It all happened in an instant. "Jump!" he cried, in a voice of command.

Even if their intercourse were to be of the merest afterwards, still it was better than nothing, better than a final end to all friendship when they journeyed on again, leaving him and the ruins behind. And now had come this swift disappointment. He must have regretted his move instantly, and made up his mind to be more rigid than ever. She hardly troubled to ask why.

If this were a romance, instead of the simple account of the pilgrimage and development of a girl from childhood to womanhood, it would be permissible to say, "three years pass by in swift flight," or "drag by on weary feet," as the case may have been, and then resume the action.

Oh, nurse, it darts through the air as swift as an arrow. What was it doing? Looking at the honeysuckles, I dare say it thought them very pretty; or was it smelling them? They are very sweet." "My dear child, it might be doing so; I don't know.

Henrietta Howard, the neighbor of Pope, the friend of Swift and Arbuthnot, and the admired of Lord Peterborough, Mrs. Haywood made herself offensive in the nostrils of the literary trio.

"What has that got to do with your scheme?" he demanded, in perplexity. "A whole lot," came the swift answer; "because I want you to get me up as close a copy of that receipt as you possibly can!" "Whew! do you mean even to signing Mr. Culpepper's name at the end?" asked Carl, whose breath had very nearly been taken away.

McKay looked up at that, baring his teeth in a swift snarl: "No you see her clipped hair and the thin body.... In her blouse she passed for a boy, unquestioned, unnoticed.

They are attendants of the Divine King, bright and swift as fire in their intelligence and activity.

If we are to stay in the business it ought to be with a full understanding of the advantages to the country on one hand, and on the other with exact knowledge of the cost and proper methods of carrying it on. Moreover, lines of cargo ships are of even more importance than fast mail lines; save so far as the latter can be depended upon to furnish swift auxiliary cruisers in time of war.

'Do not fancy, he said, smiling as he shut the book, 'that the care of the needy, in any shape, is religion; nor think that He who loves us will take anything as a substitute for our whole-hearted love to him. If we give him that, he will let us know in what way we may shew it. She made no answer except by another swift look. This was Chaldee to her! He let the silence last a little while.