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"Look, Doll, there's the swellest little dancer in this town one swell little pal and a good sport. Watch her, kiddo watch her do that staircase dance. Ain't she a lalapaloo!" A buxom nymph of the grove, whose draperies floated from her like flesh-colored mist, spun to the wild passion of violins up the eight marble steps of the marble flight.

Pace had only the three upper floors and that the other flats were let to different tenants. "The elevator takes us to the fifth floor, where Mrs. Pace has her parlors, dining salon and swellest boarders, at least the boarders able to pay the most. Of course we do not think that they are the swellest, since we are on the seventh floor ourselves. Who so truly swell as we?"

Wasn't he too obviously smart, too glossy-new? Like a movie actor. Probably he was a traveling salesman who sang tenor and fancied himself in imitations of Newport clothes and spoke of "the swellest business proposition that ever came down the pike." In a panic she peered at him. No! This was no hustling salesman, this boy with the curving Grecian lips and the serious eyes.

She's the swellest thing on the screen. Got 'em all faded, I think." "Think so?" questioned one of her companions. "I'm pretty strong for Helen Ward, myself." "Ruth Morton won't last," remarked a third, in a petulant voice. "Course she'll last. Say ain't that a bear of a title? An American Beauty. She always seems like a beautiful big rose, to me."

Five minutes later he was addressing the Southern girl as "honey," and had informed Jill that he had only joined this show to fill in before opening on the three-a-day with the swellest little song-and-dance act which he and a little girl who worked in the cabaret at Geisenheimer's had fixed up. On this scene of harmony and good-fellowship Mr Saltzburg's chord intruded jarringly.

"Oh, Simon, ain't that pink one a beauty! Ain't that skirt the swellest thing you ever seen!" "That's the Piquette model, girlie. You and all New York will be buyin' it in another month. Ain't it the selectest little thing ever?" Her face was rapt. "It's the swellest thing I've ever seen!" she declared. He turned to another plate. "Oh-h-h-h-h!" she cried. "Ain't that a beauty!

One of these was Marie Garnett, who wasn't much on her own but spun the wheel in Jim's joint down on Barbary Coast, which was raided just so often for form's sake. She always made a quick getaway, was never up in court, and died young. Gabrielle ran an establishment down on Geary Street and was one of the swellest lookers and swellest togged dames in her profession till the drink got her.

Didn't I say I'd marry you if you was playin' hookey from the graveyard? Wasn't that the answer I give you even when you was strong as a whole team?" "I didn't have no right to you, baby the swellest little peach in the store! I I didn't have no right to you! Vi-dee, what's the matter? You look like you got the horrors the horrors, hon! Vi-dee!" "Oh, don't, Harry, don't. I I can't stand it, hon.