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For a well-aimed swing of the bolster laid him sprawling on the floor. 'Take that for mentioning such a word! 'My eyes, Lance, is it swearing? said Bernard, with a little affectation of innocence. 'How you have been and bumped my knees; and he sat on the floor, pulling up his trousers to gain a view; 'there'll be a bruise as big as half a crown!

He wore a double-breasted coat, that on anyone else would have looked ridiculous, and even so was strikingly original. He had the strong face of one who had fought every inch of his way. It was a great sight to see "the Bull," as he was called, take a game; he rushed up and down the field cursing and swearing. His voice thundered over the ground.

The march was then begun in confidence, with no premonition of the approaching defection of these very men who had so often greeted the Emperor with their cries of enthusiasm, swearing to fight to the death rather than abandon him. His Majesty's plan then was to fall on Blucher and the Prince Royal of Sweden, from whom the French army was separated only by a river.

And he had a curious frog-like trick of flattening his eyelids as if in the act of swallowing a large beetle which was the only outward and visible sign of emotion that he ever displayed. As soon as the swearing in of the jury was completed Mr. Loram rose to introduce the case; whereupon his lordship leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, as if bracing himself for a painful operation.

When the trumpet sounded, did not I feel the honour more than he? When he made his last triumphant run, and I threw my hat in the air, was it not to me sweeter than if I had done it myself? Did I not even love him the better for swearing that he would make this fight for Crasweller? But yet it was necessary that I should command obedience, and, if possible, frighten him into subservience.

This was a bullet fired from the roof of one of the adjoining buildings: confirming his prior reasoning that the first missile must have fallen from a height, rather than have been thrown up from the street, to have wrought such destruction with those tough, thick panes of clouded glass.... Swearing softly to himself, he descended to the kitchen.

You never gave me a chance to say 'God bless you' for that; you just coiled up your rope swearing all the time you did it, because it was wet and rode off, dripping like a muskrat. What did you do it for?" "I was in a hurry to get back to camp," grinned Chip, sinking into a chair. "And you weren't a senator then."

One day, however, came something of interest into the monotony of his life. Evidently tiring of attending each horse in turn in the stalls, Miguel built a general box for feed in one corner of the inclosure, and then, by dint of loud swearing and the free use of a pitchfork, instructed the colt to feed from it with the others.

He said he was after the stove-polish man; and with this he broke out cursing and swearing anew. The bulletin-boarder referred to was Sir Ossaise of Surluse, a brave knight, and of considerable celebrity on account of his having tried conclusions in a tournament once, with no less a Mogul than Sir Gaheris himself although not successfully.

When we were dismounted and it came to settling, the shouting and jawing and swearing and quarreling among the muleteers and with us was nearly deafening.