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Sir Archibald wished to place Mr. Swartz on this committee as the person best able to deal both with Rajah and people, and he accepted a seat, only stipulating that he was not to share in any violent or coercive measures.

He had then been to pass three hours with Amelia, his dear little Amelia, at Fulham; and he came home to find his sisters spread in starched muslin in the drawing-room, the dowagers cackling in the background, and honest Swartz in her favourite amber-coloured satin, with turquoise bracelets, countless rings, flowers, feathers, and all sorts of tags and gimcracks, about as elegantly decorated as a she chimney-sweep on May-day.

You promised to do it; redeem your promise!" "I will try to do so, madam," said Darke, coolly. "And I wish to be present on the occasion." Darke laughed as before. "That doubtless has prevented you from having our good friend Mohun well assassinated!" The woman was silent for a moment. Then she said: "No, I have tried that." "Ah! recently?" "Yes." "By what means who was your agent?" "Swartz."

Swartz elevated his brows with surprise, as he looked at the care-worn expression and needy attire of the woman before him. "Vot can I do for you my coot voman," he enquired, without even extending the courtesy of offering her a seat. Mrs. Wentworth remained for a moment without replying. She was embarrassed at the uncourteous reception Mr. Swartz gave her.

Swartz smiled, and drew a paper from his pocket, which he unfolded. "You are then determined to arrest your old comrade, Nighthawk." "Yes, my dear Swartz." "As a spy?" "Exactly." "In spite of this?" And Mr. Swartz held out the paper. "Do me the favor to read this, colonel, and then oblige me by returning it." I took the paper, and easily read it by moonlight. It contained the following words:

Swartz and the two policemen, had pointed to the dead body of her child, and pronounced the solitary word, "there," while her face became cold and expressiveless. Involuntarily looking in the direction pointed out by Mrs. Wentworth, the three men started with awe as their eyes fell upon the beautiful face of the dead child.

One gentleman even wrote a letter in a newspaper calling a missionary a disgrace to any nation, and raking up stories of the malpractices of heathens who had been preached to without being converted, which were laid to the charge of the actual Christians; but imputations like these did not meet with faith from any one whose good opinion was of any real consequence to Swartz.

In open order they moved across the plain, with a superb disregard of the crash and patter of the shrapnel, and then up they went, the flitting figures, springing from cover to cover, stooping, darting, crouching, running, until with their glasses the spectators on Swartz Kop could see the gleam of the bayonets and the strain of furious rushing men upon the summit, as the last Boers were driven from their trenches.

As to Swartz, that worthy had profited by an open window near, and had glided through it and disappeared. To return to the combatants. The passionate encounter absorbed all my attention. Mohun and Darke were cutting at each other furiously. They seemed equally matched, and the result was doubtful. One thing only seemed certain that in a few minutes one of the adversaries would be dead.

"And did he speak of his former visit with his wife?" "No, sir." "And you ?" Amanda smiled. "I made out I didn't remember him, sir; I was afraid he would think I had overheard that talk with his wife." "So he simply called as if to see you as a curiosity?" "Yes, sir and staid only a few minutes." "But you know or rather knew poor Swartz better?" "I knew him well, sir." "He often stopped here?"