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Is that one withered, scathed little stick to be our sole protection against the storm, so evidently quickly coming up? "Fine view, is not it?" pursues my companion, not in the least perceiving my depression, and complacently surveying the prospect. "Of course it might have been clearer, but, after all, you get a very good idea of it." I turn my faint eyes in the same direction as his.

She attempted to withdraw them; he clasped her about the waist. "Do you not love me, Desiree?" he cried, and his lips sought hers. They met; Desiree ceased to struggle. At that moment I heard a sound the faintest sound behind me. I turned. The king of the Incas was standing within the doorway, surveying the lovers with beadlike, sparkling eyes.

The great building was on a corner, and as she crossed its threshold she saw a trolley-car passing along the avenue at her right. On a quick impulse she signalled. When it stopped she entered and seated herself in a corner, surveying her fellow-passengers with seeming unconcern, though her breath came fast. She was safe; she was off!

Yet the heat couldn't have made him extremely uncomfortable, for Tom Reade, amiable and budding senior in the Gridley High School, smiled good naturedly as he stood surveying as much as he could make out of the face of Timmy Finbrink in that dark stretch of the street. Timmy was merely a prospective freshman, having been graduated a few days before from the North Grammar School in Gridley.

She had felt far too weary and dispirited to enter into the fun and prattle of the girls. While she drank her tea she glanced round the little room, surveying the decorations which had kept her busy for a day or two. Some relics of her old home-life were gathered here a quaint oval looking-glass, some bits of ancient china, some photographs, and a goodly number of books.

In fact, Tom's pugnacious disposition was clearly evidenced by his appearance; one side of his face having a very battered aspect, and the fur being torn off his back in several places. Caddy sat for some time surveying the old woman and her cat, in evident awe of both.

Jack looked around and quickly discovered that young Smith was missing, and at once came to the conclusion that he had gone off to get the doctor so as to settle the dispute about the surveying. "If you will wait till we can send for Dr. Wise," he said to the men, "he will assure you that we have every right to make the survey, as well as to build the road. Will you send some one, Dick?"

Octavianus drove alone eastward to the camp where, in the vicinity of the Hippodrome, men were surveying the ground on which the suburb of Nikopolis city of victory was to be built to commemorate for future generations the victory of the first Emperor over Antony and Cleopatra. It grew, but never attained any great importance.

On the evening of her arrival he climbed up on the roller and gazed wistfully over the fence at the territory that had once been his, but from which he was now debarred. He felt like Moses surveying the Promised Land. Miss Gregoria Mush was walking in the garden. William watched her with bated breath.

Pantingly they stood in line, surveying their captives, while the man with the mustache and imperial smiled in a rather superior fashion at the row of bound ones. He spoke in his own tongue to the men, who, with the exception of one, filed out, going, as Tom and the others could note, to the engine-room in the rear.