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Therefore, you are come as a student of this wonderful drama to be enacted in Jerusalem presently. You may live under part of your name. Substitute, however, your city for your surname. Be Philadelphus of Ephesus. No one then will question your presence here. "I have bound to me by oath and by fear one hundred Idumeans who will rise or fall with you.

"Are you sent by him?" "Perhaps," said Mahal, with a distrustful air. "But are you really the son of Kadja-sing?" "Yes, I tell you but where have you seen General Simon?" "If you are the son of Kadja-sing," resumed Mahal, continuing to regard Djalma with a suspicious eye, "what is your surname?"

The great stipendiary of Spain, John of Barneveld, whose coffers were filled with Spanish pistoles, whose name and surname might be read by all men in the account-books at Brussels heading the register of mighty bribe-takers, the man who was howled at in a thousand lampoons as a traitor ever ready to sell his country, whom even Prince Maurice "partly believed" to be the pensionary of Philip, must not hear a whisper of this scheme to restore the Republic to Spanish control and place it under the sceptre of a Spanish prince.

I may speak my pleasure if I would have to my four-hours macaroons or gingerbread? and be duly thankful that this liberty and these delicates are granted me! Avena Foljambe, all your folly lieth not in your legs." Lady Foljambe evidently did not appreciate this pun upon her surname. "Dame!" she said, severely. "Well? I can fare forth, if you have not had enough.

But I knew that my brother John had married a distant cousin of the same surname as our own, whose Christian name was Margaret, and that was all I ever heard of him; and when I heard that a girl, called Margaret Anstruther, was staying here, I felt sure that you must be my niece. And, you see, I was right.

In truth, they had been formerly the stormy chiefs of a desert but extensive domain, and the heads of a numerous tribe called Mac-Dingawaie, though they afterwards adopted the Norman surname of Bertram. They had made war, raised rebellions, been defeated, beheaded, and hanged, as became a family of importance, for many centuries.

" Here Herbert paused in uncertainty, for he had never heard Ralph's surname. "Call me Ralph. I have done with the title of \ civilization. Call me Ralph. That will suit me best." "Thank you for your kindness, then, Ralph." "What is your name?" "Herbert Herbert Mason." "Then, Herbert, I think you must be hungry. Have you eaten your dinner?" "No," said Herbert. "Then you shall share mine.

Many a warrior of the Norman Conquest was known to his comrades only by the name of the trade which he had plied in some French or Flemish town, before he attached himself a volunteer to Duke William's holy and lucrative expedition; and it is doubtful whether even in the fourteenth century the name "Le Chaucer" is, wherever it occurs in London, used as a surname, or whether in some instances it is not merely a designation of the owner's trade.

The thrill of the past was always strong in me when Watts-Dunton mentioned seldom without a guffaw did he mention 'Jimmy Whistler. I think he put in the surname because 'that fellow' had not behaved well to Swinburne.

He dropped his own surname on the road down, and took up that of Doubledick. He was passed as Richard Doubledick; age, twenty-two; height, five foot ten; native place, Exmouth, which he had never been near in his life.