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"Well, Barney," said Van Berg, as they drove up to the stables on their return, "you did have a streak of good luck this afternoon. I hope you are grateful to the lady who secured it for you." "Faix, sur, an' I niver seed the likes o' her afore.

When, at a later period, coalesced Europe launched against France a million of soldiers; when it became necessary to organize for the crisis fourteen armies, it was the ingenious author of the Essai sur les Machines and of the Géométrie des Positions who directed this gigantic operation.

Lizards are plentiful in the forests, the largest class being known as iguana, which is eaten by some of the country people, as it was in former days by the Indians. The lizards are all inoffensive. A species of alligator is found in the lower waters of the Yaque del Norte and of the Yaque del Sur, and in the salt lakes on the Haitian border.

Nor was there anything in their faces to lend me confidence in the honesty of their intentions. As we were about to start a native gendarme beckoned me to one side. "Beaucoup des pirats sur la route, M'sieu," he warned me in execrable French. "Brigands, you mean?" I asked him. "Oui, M'sieu." That was reassuring. "How about these men?"

«La ville de Santa Fée de Bogota, capital du nouveau royaume de Grenade, a environ 4 degrés de latitude N. et 304 de longitude, prise de l'île de Fer, est située au pied et sur le penchant d'une montagne escarpée qui la couvre

Jules Claretie, Camille Desmoulins, Lucille Desmoulins: etude sur les dantonistes , a charming biography, has been translated into English.

You should never quarrel over quality when it is the same under any name, and follow the advice Madame de la Sablière gives you in the following madrigal: Bélise ne veut point d'amant, Mais voudrait un ami fidèle, Qui pour elle eût des soins et de l'empressement, Et qui même la trouvât belle. Amants, qui soupirez pour elle, Sur ma parole tenez bon, Bélise de l'amour ne hait que le nom.

Oh, profanation!" from all Madrid." Happily, Duclos is merely in this the servile copyist of a Spanish author, whose contradictions and bad feeling it would be very easy to expose. He has reproduced word for word the version to be found in the Mémoires sur l'Espagne, printed as a sequel to the letters of Fitz-Maurice.

"You're an Irishman, I perceive," said the consul, smiling. "Well, now, yer right, sur; though how ye came to persaive is more nor I can understand." "Where have you come from? and how in such a plight?" demanded the consul in some surprise, observing that a troop of janissaries came galloping up the winding road, near the top of which they stood.

The quaint little walk, with its label of Rue sur les Murs, to which one ascends from beside the Grosse Horloge, leads to this curious Tour de la Lanterne and passes under it.