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Vincent saw that he had no absolute evidence against Jackson, and therefore purposely suppressed the fact that Pearson was among the killed in hopes that the paragraph would so alarm Jackson that he would at once decamp.

Tisher: a deferential widow with a weak back, a chronic sigh, and a suppressed voice, who looks after the young ladies' wardrobes, and leads them to infer that she has seen better days. Perhaps this is the reason why it is an article of faith with the servants, handed down from race to race, that the departed Tisher was a hairdresser.

My father was neither a bigot nor a philosopher; but his affection deplored the loss of an only son; and his good sense was astonished at my strange departure from the religion of my country. In the first sally of passion he divulged a secret which prudence might have suppressed, and the gates of Magdalen College were for ever shut against my return.

He headed due south, traveling so fast that at times he was lost to Carvel's sight. A suppressed but intense excitement possessed him, and he whined whenever Carvel stopped to rest always with his nose sniffing the wind out of the south.

It will be noted that the last-named gentleman coupled with his 'liberal' provisions the suggestion that all schools, except those of the State, should be suppressed. Such a suggestion reveals very clearly the aim of this 'Reform' measure.

Her voice failed her as she saw her husband advancing, pale to his very lips with suppressed anger. "How dare you come here, after what I told you?" he asked, in quick, low tones. She shrank at his voice almost as if he had struck her. The blood flew into her brother's face as he noticed the action; but he controlled himself, and, taking her hand, led her in silence to a chair.

Perfect frankness here was the wisest prudence; and after all, it was most agreeable to my own nature, and most worthy of my own honour. Luckily, I found Mrs. Poyntz alone, and taking in both mine the hand she somewhat coldly extended to me, I said, with the earnestness of suppressed emotion, "You observed when I last saw you, that I had not yet asked you to be my friend. I ask it now.

A man on horseback arrived here suddenly one very stormy night, carrying me in his arms I was just a little baby and asked shelter for me, promising to come and fetch me in the morning but he never came and Dad never knew who he was. I was kept here out of pity at first then Dad began to love me " The suppressed tears rose to her eyes and began to fall.

Savage suppressed; of which the publication would indeed have been a punishment too severe for so impotent an assault. The great hardships of poverty were to Savage not the want of lodging or food, but the neglect and contempt which it drew upon him.

Those who laugh with their mouths closed are non-committal; while those who throw it wide open are unguarded and unequivocal in character. SUPPRESSED LAUGHTER. Those who, suppressing laughter for a while, burst forth volcano-like, have strong characteristics, but are well-governed, yet violent when they give way to their feelings.