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MISS URSULA WINWOOD, hatless, but with a cotton sunshade swinging over her shoulder, and with a lean, shiny, mahogany-coloured Sussex spaniel trailing behind, walked in her calm, deliberate way down the long carriage drive of Drane's Court. She was stout and florid, and had no scruples as to the avowal of her age, which was forty-three.

"No one uses that kind of vase nowadays," she informed Cyprian, "but they will do for presents next Christmas." Two sunshades that were marked down to a price that Mrs. Chemping considered absurdly cheap were added to her purchases. "One of them will do for Ruth Colson; she is going out to the Malay States, and a sunshade will always be useful there. And I must get her some thin writing paper.

"It was part of the programme," she returned solemnly; "and the sunshade too. I was determined to make myself as nice as possible. Remember, I trimmed it myself, Die, and as I had the materials it only cost me five shillings." Here she took it off and looked at it admiringly, for Elizabeth was rather fond of dress in her way. "My sailor hat will do for the Pool.

'Your sunshade first. 'Oh, it's too much trouble, she said languidly, all but plaintively. 'I'd rather be here. 'Obey! Your sunshade She gave it. 'Now, your hand. He was kneeling on the top of the bank. With very little exertion, Nancy found herself beside him. Then he at once leapt down among the brushwood, a descent of some three feet. 'We shall be trespassing, said Nancy.

Aha, how do I? Because, for two years or more, whenever I passed by the stone wall of the Sisters' dwelling in Matafele, I climbed up and watched thee, O Star of the Morning, and I heard the other girls call thee Vaega. Oho! and some night I meant to steal thee away." The sunshade was tilted back, and displayed two big, black eyes, luminous with admiring wonder.

A dismal outlook in truth. Moreover it was beginning to rain. Mab sheltered herself under her sunshade and began to laugh. "It's just skittles to what it might be," she said consolingly. But Merefleet did not respond. He knew that the wind was rising with every second, and already the little boat tipped and tossed with perilous buoyancy. Mab still held the rudder-lines.

Smith grew red and bit his lips; but Lance walked close to him, and as they began to be jostled, took his arm, holding the blue sunshade over both their heads. Unsavoury missiles began to fly; but a woman screeched, 'Bad luck to ye, ye vagabone! ye've ruinated the young gentleman's purty blue umberella! 'Down with it, young chap, called another, 'or ye'll be served with the same sauce!

O'Donovan Florence; and she brandished her sunshade threateningly. "On your engagement to Mr. what's this his name is? to be sure." She glanced indicatively down the lawn, in the direction of Peter's retreating tweeds. Beatrice had looked blank. But now she looked first, perhaps, for a tiny fraction of a second, startled then gently, compassionately ironical. "My poor Kate!

All the foliage was out and fluttering its new leaves in the sunshine as Marcia passed from the old stone church with the two aunts and opened her little green sunshade. Her motion made David’s last letter rustle in her bosom. It thrilled her with pleasure that not even the presence of Hannah Heath behind her could cloud.

When Kelson courteously informed her he was in possession of her secret a secret she had felt positively certain only one other person knew, she went the colour of her pea-green sunshade and attempted to remonstrate.