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Not only had the weeds been allowed to grow over the doorstep, but from the unpainted front itself bits of boards had rotted away, leaving great gaps about the window-ledges and at the base of the sunken and well-nigh toppling chimney.

Bridger looked at the young girl for a time in silence. "I'm off my country, Miss Molly," said he. "Beyant the second ford, at Fort Boise, I ain't never been. I done aimed ter turn back here an' git back home afore the winter come. Ain't I did enough fer ye?" But he hesitated. There was a kindly light on the worn old face, in the sunken blue eye. "Ye want me ter go on, Miss Molly?"

It maddens me to see that old, old picture of mountain and water, the same for ever and ever, no matter what hearts are breaking. Mary crept close beside her sister's couch, put her arm round her neck, laid her cheek rich in the ruddy bloom of health against Lesbia's pallid and sunken cheek, and comforted her as much as she could with tender murmurs and loving kisses.

The sunken eye and overhanging eyebrow, the high cheek-bone and thick lip, distended nostrils, the nose either short or acquiline, together with a stout bust and slender extremities, and both curled and smooth hair, marked the natives of the Morumbidgee as well as those of the Darling.

Come friends, I think the king will give us a hearing to-day, late as it is." Two hours later Bartja and his friends were standing before the king. The gigantic man was seated on his golden throne; he was pale and his eyes looked sunken; two physicians stood waiting behind him with all kinds of instruments and vessels in their hands.

In that cycle of history which closed in 1914, but which seems now to the imagination as far sunken behind time as Babylon or Samarcand, it was customary at the festival of the Incarnation to forego our enmities for a little and allow freer play to the spiritual in our being.

"Scores of times in four months?" "Yes, sir, every second or third day. That is, I either meet him or know he is there because Mrs. Maselli and Mrs. Garth are friendly, and there is constant coming and going across the landing." "Is he a man of about thirty, middle height, lanky black hair, smooth dark face, sunken eyes, high cheek bones rather, shall I say, Italian in appearance?"

The Indians shot another flight, several of which dropped unpleasantly close astern of us; but they now saw that we were beyond their reach, though their fierce shouts and cries still followed us. The wind had by this time completely fallen. We made rapid way down the stream, happily escaping any sunken logs, and once more saw the broad surface of the lake extended before us.

For the earth, cleaving asunder, opened her mouth and swallowed up the magician who had so often defiled himself with so many evil deeds, and, closing again, plunged him into the abyss. How another Magician is Sunken up to the Ears, and again is Raised up.

If you have not felt it, Lyndall, you cannot understand it. You may work, and work, and work, till you are only a body, not a soul. Now, when I see one of those evil-looking men that come from Europe navvies, with the beast-like, sunken face, different from any Kaffer's I know what brought that look into their eyes; and if I have only one inch of tobacco I give them half.