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At one time Mary caused a commotion by attending Dr. Nott's Sunday service, which was held on the ground floor of her house. On one occasion he preached against Atheism, and, having specially asked Mary to attend, it was taken as a marked attack on Shelley, and it was considered that Mary had taken part against her husband. Mary wrote a pathetic letter to Mrs.

And I wouldn't approve of your going out there and lookin' at the place on a Sunday." "I'll take the early train Monday morning," said the youth, promptly. "But what will they say at the store? Mr. Dwight " "He turned me off to-day," said Hiram, steadily. "So I won't lose anything by going out there. "I tell you what I'll do," he added briskly.

He filled the office of superintendent of its Sunday School for upwards of twenty-five years, and was the leader of the church choir for thirty years. When he was appointed governor it was thought that he would give up these offices, but he still continued to fill them, and was superintendent of the Sunday School up to the day when his life came to an end.

The aristocracy who are so eager to maintain, were, of course, not the last to feel annoyance of the legislative restrictions on the Sabbath, and eagerly seized upon that happy invention for dissipating the gloom and ennui ordered by Act of Parliament to prevail on that day the Sunday paper.

Arrangements were therefore at once made for a private service, to be conducted by the British Chaplain in one of the great halls of the Rezzonico Palace; and by two o'clock of the following day, Sunday, a large number of visitors and residents had assembled there.

During the morning service, at which there were about fifty present, I succeeded in keeping on my mud-patch, and returned to dinner with the same. In the afternoon I said that I would have a service for children, as there was no Sunday school, to which about twenty came.

"Will it matter if I come to see your illustrations and your books to-morrow?" He gave her a paternal glance of almost affection. "You shall certainly spend your Sunday as you like best, my dear," he said. "For my part, I love to see spirited and happy girls like yourself devoting themselves to periods of thought and meditation.

This was the day of our arrival; and somehow or other, our captain always managed not only to sail, but to come into port, on a Sunday. The main reason for sailing on the Sabbath is not, as many people suppose, because Sunday is thought a lucky day, but because it is a leisure day.

Both Church and State had taken to themselves new arrogances. The Church had lost its comfortable atmosphere of Sunday beef and now the State, which hitherto had existed only for that most excellent purpose of making people behave themselves, had lifted itself up against Joanna Godden.

"And, by her sooth, when you do, an it were twal o' the Sunday at e'en, she'll fling her keys at the provost's head or she gie them anither turn, and that or ever Monday morning begins see if she winna."