United States or Malta ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We were forced to smuggle them in through my faithful adherent's territories, the stable, to avoid lectures within doors and at last even that resource failed; my garden, my blooming garden, the joy of my eyes, was forced to go waterless like its neighbours, and became shrivelled, scorched, and sunburnt, like them. It really went to my heart to look at it.

Scores of poor soldiers who were languishing in hospital tents on the sunburnt and treeless prairies of the Dakotas, or suffering from disease contracted in the miasmatic swamps of the rebellious South have had their hearts gladdened and their bodies strengthened by being supplied with the delicacies collected through the efforts of the noble and patriotic ladies of this and kindred organizations throughout the state.

"You have complained to one, haven't you?" "Yes, but he seems a feeble old fogy. Where is the other? Oh, pray tell me?" "I mustn't: I mustn't In the noisy ward. There, run." And run he did. Alfred was lucky enough to get safe into the noisy ward without being intercepted. And then he encountered a sunburnt gentleman, under thirty, in a riding-coat, with a hunting-whip in his hand: it was Mr.

A mischievous spirit flew with incredible speed from roof to roof along the line of march, seizing the people, and urging them all alike. They laid hands upon the parapets and tore up the tiling and the sunburnt mud of which the house-tops were for the most part made, and with blind fury began to fling them upon the legionaries halted below. A battle then ensued. Discipline, of course, prevailed.

"You ought ter see me two weeks from now," he protested. "I get all sunburnt and hard hard as anything!" The young man was incredulous. "You were near getting sunstruck when I picked you up," he laughed. "If you're going to Hunter's Island, why didn't you go to Pelham Manor?" "That's right!" assented Jimmie eagerly. "But I wanted to save the ten cents so's to send Sadie to the movies.

Men had been dropping in singly, or in twos and threes: the higher officials of the province, engineers of the railway, sunburnt and in tweeds, with the frosted head of their chief smiling with slow, humorous indulgence amongst the young eager faces. Scarfe, the lover of fandangos, had already slipped out in search of some dance, no matter where, on the outskirts of the town.

'I was cautioned not to stay there, and so I left the town at once, and since then I have changed about. I have been doing odds and ends at Avignon, at Pont Esprit, at Lyons; upon the Rhone, upon the Saone. As he spoke, he rapidly mapped the places out with his sunburnt hand upon the floor. 'And where are you going? 'Going, my master? 'Ay!

It was four years ago now, a summer evening Tod standing between his youngsters Derek and Sheila, in a doorway of his white, black-timbered, creepered cottage, his sunburnt face and blue eyes the serenest things one could see in a day's march! "Why 'poor'?" he said. "Tod's much happier than we are. You've only to look at him." "Ah!" said Stanley suddenly.

Don Quixote turned all colours, which, on his sunburnt face, mottled it till it looked like jasper.

Stepping in front of a toilet mirror, he applied a stain to his face, giving it the color of that of a sunburnt tiller of the fields. When his disguise was completed, he surveyed himself triumphantly in the glass. Even his father could not have recognized him, so radically had he altered his appearance. Gaining the street by a private door without being observed, he was speedily at the bridge.