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"Comin' in, you said you had your blizzard stuff, and now if the sun'd jest come out, by cripes, you'd be singin' songs uh thanksgivin' er words to that effect. Honest to gran'ma, there's folks that'd kick if " "But I haven't got my blizzard stuff," Luck stated, harshly because of the effort to speak at all. "All that negative I took to-day is chuck full of 'static."

Well, he was nigh, I'll say that for him; an' if he'd had his way, the sun'd ha' riz an' set when he said the word. But Lucindy's his only darter, an' if she don't so much as pretend to be a mourner, I guess there ain't nobody that will. There! don't you say no more! She's comin' in here!"

"O, the rebels skipped out in sich a hurry," ex plained Shorty, "that they even dropped their house hold pets, which we inherited as we follered 'em up. I wish this infernal rain'd let up long enough for us to do some skirmishin' and bile our clothes. Or if the sun'd only come out an hour or two, we could find an ant-hill, an' lay our clothes on it.

"Them what?" returned he, and Della had to go out to explain. He looked at them gravely; hers had been a ragged piece of work. "What under the sun'd you do that for?" he inquired. "The young ones wouldn't turn their hand over for't They ain't big enough." "Well, I be," said Della briefly. "Don't you drive over 'em."