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Better that ten Massachusetts soldiers should be killed than that one negro should be illegally freed! Better that Massachusetts should be governed by Jeff. Davis than that it should be represented by such men as Charles Sumner and Henry Wilson, notoriously hostile to the constitutional rights of the South!

The provision imposing negro suffrage was carried through the Senate with difficulty and only as the result of the tireless activity of Charles Sumner. Sumner and other radicals were determined that the blacks should be enfranchised in order that they might protect themselves from hostile local legislation and also in order that they might form part of a southern Republican party.

Near night at Savage Station Sumner and Franklin, of the Federal Army, who had been retreating all day, turned to give battle. Jackson was pressing on our left, and it became necessary that Sumner should hold Magruder in check until the army and trains of the Federals that were passing in his rear should cross White Oak Swamp to a place of safety.

Sumner was opposed to any amendment of the Constitution upon the subject and he proposed to rely upon a statute, it is difficult to explain his conduct upon any other theory than that he intended to defeat the measure either in Congress or in the States. He had claimed when the Fourteenth Amendment was pending that a joint resolution would furnish an adequate remedy and protection.

The absurdities of their requirements appalled her Did they expect that on an instant's notice she could put herself in the place of this preposterous and unexplained character? "... No ... no.... Not yet! Now listen: 'John Sumner has just been knocked over by an automobile and instantly killed!" Gloria let her baby mouth drop slowly open. Then: "Now hang up! With a bang!"

Ardently devoted to the cause of justice and of human rights, Sumner weakens the influence which he ought to exercise, because he impresses many with the notion that he looks more to the outside effect produced by him than to the intrinsic value of the subject; he makes others suppose that he is too fond of such effect, and, above all, of the effect produced in Europe among the circle of his English and European acquaintances.

Referring to this, President Baez said to me: ``How could I sell my country? My property is here; my family is here; my friends are here; all my interests are here: how could I sell my country and run away and enjoy the proceeds as Mr. Sumner thinks I wish to do? Mr.

He was oppressed with anxiety about Burlingame, who had gone to Canada to fight a duel, and there was great rejoicing, when he suddenly appeared one evening after the sun had hidden behind the pine trees. He and Sumner met and greeted each other with the abandon of boys.

Den I jes swore rite up, Miss rite into dat Masr's face an' eyes 'I'm neber gwine to hab no more chilun, an' he says to me, 'Matt, you got to do jes as I say, an' I swear agin, an' he cuss and swear, an' then, I got sich a floggin' Miss, but I didn't keer, an' I would never done as dat man sed, an' I 'spected to die, but a New Orleans trader cum dat way, an' I was sold, and Mas'r Sumner said, de las' thing, 'You'll get killed now, Matt. 'All right, Mas'r, I sed, 'de Lord is a waitin' an' He's a good fren, too, an' off I went.

Is it so? You are so happy and prosperous in America that you must be on the lookout for clouds, surely! When you see Emerson, Longfellow, Sumner, any one I know, pray bespeak for me a kind thought or word from them." Procter was always on the lookout for Hawthorne, whom he greatly admired. In November, 1855, he says, in a brief letter: "I have not seen Hawthorne since I wrote to you.