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Thus, some day, at your burying, as men turn homewards from the new-made grave, and speak those final words of the departed, which contain the most unerring verdict and summing-up of the life, they will say, "He will be greatly missed. He was no genius, not eloquent nor profound; but he used to speak about Christ in such a way that he led me to know Him for myself: I owe everything to him.

To an American father with a daughter like Betty, the summing-up of a normal, nice-natured, common young denizen of the United States, fresh from contact with the effete, might be subtly instructive, and well worth hearing, if it was unconsciously expressed. Mr.

"'When I die, he says to me, 'if I go to the bad place I may start in reformin' that. It don't need it no more'n South Orham does, but 'twill be enough sight easier job. "And," concluded Captain Stitt, as soon as he could be heard above the "Haw! haws!" caused by the Honorable Holway's final summing-up of his native town, "I ain't so sure that he was greatly mistook. What do you think, Sol?"

Lincoln and McClellan The Peninsular Campaign of 1862 Impatience with McClellan's Delay Lincoln Defends McClellan from Unjust Criticism Some Harrowing Experiences McClellan Recalled from the Peninsula His Troops Given to General Pope Pope's Defeat at Manassas A Critical Situation McClellan again in Command Lincoln Takes the Responsibility McClellan's Account of his Reinstatement The Battle of Antietam The President Vindicated Again Dissatisfied with McClellan Visits the Army in the Field The President in the Saddle Correspondence between Lincoln and McClellan McClellan's Final Removal Lincoln's Summing-up of McClellan McClellan's "Body-guard."

That was General Savoff's summing-up of his august sovereign. And his forecast proved correct. Ferdinand did not attempt to lay the blame on him, still less to have an indictment filed against him. On the contrary, he kissed Savoff on his return to Sofia and later on made him his adjutant-general. Ferdinand's responsibility being established, his abdication was clamoured for by public opinion.

The senator sat up at the question, with the slow smile wrinkling humorously at the corners of his eyes. "I haven't thought much about her yet. She's the kind that won't let you get near enough in a single sitting to think much about her, isn't she?" "She is a young woman with an exceedingly bright mind and a very high purpose," was the little lady's summing-up of Patricia.

And with that summing-up of the effect of beauty on human nature, he was silent, watching his son with eyes doubting as a bird's. Soames, too, was silent. Whish-whish went the brushes. "Come, James! Soames knows best. It's his 'business." "Ah!" said James, and the word came from deep down; "but there's all my money, and there's his who's it to go to? And when he dies the name goes out."

Not yet, however, is it time for the summing-up of his history. The exile of 1850 has been solicited to return to his country, and the ninth anniversary of banishment may find him occupying once more the Presidential chair.

Ramsey in the same Court on April 25, 1883, he delivered himself of these sentiments in the course of his famous summing-up: "A difficult form of virtue is quietly and unostentatiously to obey what you believe to be God's will in your own lives. It is not very easy to do that, and if you do it, you don't make much noise in the world.

His summing-up of Irish feeling to England is both concise and accurate, but one of his sentences is hardly up to date. He thanks God that the Irish have never lied by saying they were loyal. How many Irish members can make this their boast? Compared with them, the Ribbonmen were heroes.