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On the 16th of June of this year, Rebecca, the wife of my only surviving brother, left her body, and was welcomed to the evergreen shores of the summer-land, by her father, mother, our father, mother, my spirit-bride and her father, mother, and my two brothers who had long gone before.

I could go now unopposed and stand by him while he wrote the following: 'I am with you my dear Bro but too xcited to speak for a moment have patience brother and I will do the best I can do to control. Your sister Marie St. Clair. The change in kinship, and its novelty, staggered me somewhat; clearly they manage things differently in the 'Summer-land. However, I mastered my emotion.

Here is evidently 'a spirit of no common rate, of whom we might well desire further acquaintance, albeit at the cost of losing golden-haired, black-eyed Sister Belle. But why should we talk of 'loss? If, as Banquo says, 'there's husbandry in Heaven, why should we not in the 'Summer-land' find one and the same skull, with frugal economy, given to two owners?

Yet what a day it was in which to live and love, and motor over perfect roads through that radiant summer-land which the Ligurians loved, the Romans conquered, and the modern world comes from afar to see. Though it was early in April, with Easter but a few days behind us, the sky, the air, the flowers, belonged to June a rare, rich June to praise in poetry or song.