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It appeared, from his account, that after sailing about from New Guinea to New Holland, the expedition had been utterly unable not only to reach their new customers, but even to obtain the slightest intelligence of their locality. No such place as Fantaisie was known at Ceylon. Sumatra gave information equally unsatisfactory. Java shook its head. Celebes conceived the inquirers were jesting.

Since the above was written, we have had an opportunity of consulting Sir Stamford Raffles' History of Java. He found goitre prevalent in both Java and Sumatra, but is careful to explain that it was observed in certain mountainous districts.

Protraction of the siege of Ostend Spanish invasion of Ireland Prince Maurice again on the march Siege of Grave State of the archduke's army Formidable mutiny State of Europe Portuguese expedition to Java Foundation there of the first Batavian trading settlement Exploits of Jacob Heemskerk Capture of a Lisbon carrack Progress of Dutch commerce Oriental and Germanic republics Commercial embassy from the King of Atsgen in Sumatra to the Netherlands Surrender of Grave Privateer work of Frederic Spinola Destruction of Spinola's fleet by English and Dutch cruisers Continuation of the siege of Ostend Fearful hurricane and its effects The attack Capture of external forts Encounter between Spinola and a Dutch squadron Execution of prisoners by the archduke Philip Fleming and his diary Continuation of operations before Ostend Spanish veterans still mutinous Their capital besieged by Van den Berg Maurice marches to their relief Convention between the prince and the mutineers Great commercial progress of the Dutch Opposition to international commerce Organization of the Universal East India Company.

Before long we had a good chance of requiring them, for when running through the Straits of Banca, between that island and Sumatra while nearly becalmed we made out three large prahus full of people, pulling towards us. Whether their intentions were friendly or the reverse we could not ascertain, but we certainly did not like their looks; a breeze, however, sprang up and we stood on our course.

To this hauen of Angeli come, euery yeere many ships out of India, Negapatan, Sumatra, Malacca, and diuers other places; and lade from thence great store of Rice, and much cloth of cotton wooll, much sugar, and long pepper, great store of butter, and other victuals for India. Satagam is a faire citie for a citie of the Moores, and very plentifull of all things.

Sumatra.. . .. 21 do. Java. .. . .. 27 do. 11 do. do.

The chief of the legation, Abdulzamar, died in Zeeland, and was buried with honourable obsequies at Middleburg, a monument being raised to his memory. The other envoys returned to Sumatra, fully determined to maintain close relations with the republic. There had been other visitors in Maurice's lines before Grave at about the same period.

What follows, however, would seem an exception to this limitation; there being no manufacture in that part of the world, and perhaps I might be justified in saying, in any part of the world, that has been more admired and celebrated than the fine gold and silver filigree of Sumatra.

Borneo, to the woods and wild animals of which I hope ere long to introduce you, is so large that if you were to put your British islands, including Ireland, down on it they would be engulphed and surrounded by a sea of forests. New Guinea is, perhaps, larger than Borneo. Sumatra is only a little smaller. France is not so large as some of our islands.

It loves the densest and most sombre of the forests, which extend from the sea-shore inland, and thus is found only in the eastern half of Sumatra, where alone such forests occur, though, occasionally, it strays over to the western side. On the other hand, it is generally distributed through Borneo, except in the mountains, or where the population is dense.