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He wheeled the horse, slackened rein, and allowed that sagacious but apparently disinterested animal to pick its leisurely way through the forest. Chance trotted sullenly behind. He could have told his master something about hunting turkeys had he been able to speak, and, judging from the dog's dejected stride and expression, speech would have been a relief to his feelings.

I had stripped myself of my disguise, and rubbed the phosphorus from my person as we came along, but enough remained to make me an uncanny figure. It had been kept secret from these people that I was to go with them, and they sullenly kept their muskets raised and cocked; but when Mr. Stevens told them who I was, they were agreeably surprised.

He had hoped to be recognized as one who fought in defense of their homes by the side of Brave Hawk; that would please the Blue Sky, he thought; but the honor was conferred upon his rival! There was a cloud of suppressed irritation on his dusky face as he sullenly departed to his own tent an action which displeased the council-men.

"The moon," Grant told him sullenly. "There wasn't anything else that I could see." "And that's a lie," Gene amended, with the frankness of a foster-brother. "Something yelled like " "You never heard a screech-owl before, did you, Gene?" Grant crept between his blankets and snuggled down, as if his mind held nothing more important than sleep. "Screech-owl my granny!

The man hesitated, flushed, and then, somewhat sullenly: "On Cypress Street." "That's pretty close to the Union Station, isn't it?" "Not so close." "About how far away?" Again the momentary hesitation. "'Bout a half-block." "And you were shooting pool there?" "Sure I was! I c'n prove it." Carroll grinned disengagingly. "You don't need to prove anything to me, Barker.

The blows had been so tremendous, and death so instantaneous, that there had been no bleeding. It was extraordinary. Meanwhile, from the Pei-t'ang we can still plainly hear a distant cannonade sullenly booming in the hot air. We have breathing space, but they, poor devils are still being thundered at. No one can understand how they have held out so long.

A few strikers standing sullenly about the station jeered as he passed in. But he took no notice of them. He passed on to his train. A few nights later a tremendous explosion shook the town, rattling the windows, awakening people from their beds, and calling the timid and the curious into the streets.

The other hesitated, then with an oath threw the letter on the table. "I'll pay the rest as soon as I can, if you'll stop this damned tomfoolery," he said sullenly, for he saw that he was in a hole. "You'll pay it, I suppose, out of what you stole from the C.P.R. contractor's chest. No, I don't think that will do." "You want me to go to prison, then?" "I think not.

Encouraged by large promises, they shouldered sullenly the Nürnberg stove, grumbling again at its preposterous weight, but little dreaming that they carried within it a small, panting, trembling boy; for August began to tremble now that he was about to see the future owner of Hirschvogel. "If he looks a good, kind man," he thought, "I will beg him to let me stay with it."

And he moved moodily away and began to dress himself. "Who cares!" said Tom. "Nobody wants you to. Go 'long home and get laughed at. Oh, you're a nice pirate. Huck and me ain't cry-babies. We'll stay, won't we, Huck? Let him go if he wants to. I reckon we can get along without him, per'aps." But Tom was uneasy, nevertheless, and was alarmed to see Joe go sullenly on with his dressing.