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Once his father rallied him upon his "grumpiness"; then he grew sullen though trying to smile thinking with mortification of his grandfather. He understood the old man now. He was glad when the week came to an end.

I thought, 'This is only a fit of temper; it will blow over. But it did not always blow over, and when I spoke to her she would answer me either with affected indifference or with sullen annoyance. "She became by turns rude, impatient and nervous. I never saw her now except at meals, and we spoke but little.

The men all looked sullen; but whether that arose from disappointed vengeance or gratified ferocity it was impossible for them to discern. The brigands now turned their attention to their own men.

But the forces of Western infidelity are also there, grappling with Western Christianity on Indian soil, and before the eyes of the conquered and still sullen people. The vilest of English books and the worst of French novels in English translations are in the markets. All the worst phases of European commerce are exhibited.

It was the only way she knew." Joan watched her as gradually she shaped herself out of the shadows: the poor, thin, fretful lady of the ever restless hands, with her bursts of jealous passion, her long moods of sullen indifference: all her music turned to waste. "How did she come to fall in love with you?" asked Joan. "I don't mean to be uncomplimentary, Dad."

A hundred calves, timid as fawns, shied from the horsemen, their mothers lowed in comforting concern, the beeves waddled about from carrying their own flesh, while the patriarchs of the herd bellowed in sullen defiance. Fifty of the heaviest beeves were cut out from the Y brand, flesh governing the selection, and the first shipment of cattle left the Beaver for eastern markets.

Pennold looked up quickly, with a flash of interest on his sullen face. "He's a wonder, that Blaine! If he'd only got started the other way, the way we did, what a crook he would have made! As it is, I guess we ain't afraid of all the organized police on earth combined, as much as we are of him.

Finding Rivers still sullen upon his return, he got out some old magazines and read them aloud. Rivers swore under his breath, but Blanche listened to the reading with relief. The stories dealt mostly with young people who wished to marry, but were prevented by somebody who wished them to "wed according to their station."

Mark set his knee on the breast of his adversary and waited to hear "Enough." Hugh ground his teeth, but there was no escape; no feint nor sudden movement could reverse their positions; and, out of breath, he gave up in sullen despair. "Let me up," he said, at length. Mark arose, and being by this time thoroughly sobered, he walked off without a word and picked up his basket.

If you purchase to the amount of an hundred livres, there are many shopkeepers who will not send your purchases home; and if the articles they show you do not answer your purpose, they are mostly sullen, and often rude.