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"Wot d'y want with me?" he demanded sulkily. "Where did you find that brooch?" "I prigged it from Mr. Beecot's pocket when he wos smashed." "Did Mr. Hay tell you to steal it?" "No, he didn't." "Then how did you know the brooch was in my pocket?" asked Paul. "I was a-dodgin' round the shorp," snapped Tray, "and I 'eard Mr. Norman an' Mr. Beecot a-talkin' of the brooch; Mr.

I should have brought one myself, had I known what I was going to see. Are not those the very flowers in a glass of water on the mantelpiece yonder?" "I am very fond of flowers," said Miss Fotheringay, with a languishing ogle at Sir Derby Oaks but the Baronet still scowled sulkily. "Sweets to the sweet isn't that the expression of the play?" Mr. Pendennis asked, bent upon being good-humoured.

Her lips were compressed in a thin line; her hair lay in fluffy masses on her bare shoulders, in all its strange golden contrast to her dark eyes those eyes alive with the emotions of fear, hate, contempt, and odd, haunting triumph. "Now, please, will you leave my room?" He turned round, and went sulkily out.

Boom Bagshaw, as if to disclose without fear precisely where he was, dismantled from between them the hedge of flowers which he had replaced and looked sulkily across. "What kind of thing?" Sabre had a vision of himself advancing an egg for Mr. Bagshaw's hammer. "About having no poor in the Garden Home. Isn't there something about the poor being always with us?" "Certainly there is."

When he was out of sight, she glanced at Evadna once more perched sulkily upon the rock. "Head still bad, chicken?" she inquired cheerfully. "Better stay here in the shade I won't be gone long." "I'm going to fish," said Evadna, but she did not stir, not even when Miss Georgie went on, convoyed by all the Hart boys.

'Much gratitude you have shown, replied Lorna, 'to Master Ridd, for all his kindness and his goodness to you. Who was it that went down, at the peril of his life, and brought your father to you, when you had lost him for months and months? Who was it? Answer me, Gwenny? 'Girt Jan Ridd, said the handmaid, very sulkily.

It was to both of them, but especially to Alf, like the shock of a cold sponge laid upon a heated brow. "I never said you hadn't!" he sulkily said, and turned round to look amazedly at Pa. But Pa had subsided once more, and was drinking with mournful avidity from his tankard. Occupied with the tankard, Pa had neither eye nor thought for anything else. Alf resumed after the baffled pause. "Yes.

She received Miss Rutherford rather sulkily, and as she moved, groaned in a way which did not seem the genuine utterance of pain. After a few sympathetic remarks, the teacher began to touch upon the real object of her visit. "I have no intention of blaming you, Harriet; I should not speak of this at all, if it were not necessary.

As it happens, it isn't. I'm sorry if I seem to be hard on you, but I am going to hold you to your promise, even if it pinches a bit. I think you know why. How about it, son?" "I suppose it has to go that way if you say so," said Ted a little sulkily. "Can I pay it in small amounts?" "How small? Dollar a year? I'd hate to wait until I was a hundred and forty or so to get my money back."

"I'm a poor prune at the best," Pink said stubbornly, "but I am not going to let you go into that place alone. You can rave all you want." "Very well. Then we'll both stay here. You are about as quiet as a horse going through a corn patch." After some moments Pink spoke again. "If you insist on stealing the whole show," he said, sulkily, "what am I to do? Run to town for help, if you need it?"