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Weel, be not dismayed, Richie; for, as many men have turned traitors, it is but fair that a traitor, now and then, suld prove to be, contra expectanda, a true man. How cam ye by our jewels, man? cam ye on the part of George Heriot?" "In no sort," said Richie.

I tell ye I'll testify naething either ae gate or another. "O, Cuddie, man, laith wad I be they suld hurt ye," said old Mause, divided grievously between the safety of her son's soul and that of his body; "but mind, my bonny bairn, ye hae battled for the faith, and dinna let the dread o' losing creature-comforts withdraw ye frae the gude fight."

"Ye maun ken I was at the shirra's the day; for, God help me, I gang about a' gates like the troubled spirit; and wha suld come whirling there in a post-chaise, but Monkbarns in an unco carfuffle now, it's no a little thing that will make his honour take a chaise and post-horse twa days rinnin'." "Well, well; but what is all this to me?" "Ou, ye'se hear, ye'se hear.

"She didna ken she wad not say but justice should take its course but when a thing, was trusted to ane in her way, doubtless they were responsible but she suld cry in Deacon Bearcliff, and if Mr.

I heard ane o' his gillies bid that auld rudas jaud of a gudewife gie ye that. They thought I didna understand their gibberish; but, though I canna speak it muckle, I can gie a gude guess at what I hear them say I never thought to hae tauld ye that, but in a fright a' things come out that suld be keepit in.

"It's but a corner of a place, sir," said Cuddie, "but we'se try, rather than ye suld ride on in the rain and thunner; for, to be free wi' ye, sir, I think ye seem no that ower weel." "I am liable to a dizziness," said the stranger, "but it will soon wear off." "I ken we can gie ye a decent supper, sir," said Cuddie; "and we'll see about a bed as weel as we can.

"To put a rude Hielandman into sic a charge," he continued, "what could be expected but that he suld be sic a chiefest herdsman, as wicked Doeg the Edomite? whereas, while this grey head is to the fore, not a clute o' them but sall be as weel cared for as if they were the fatted kine of Pharaoh.

Robert opened and read till he came to the words: 'I pray not for the world. 'He was o' the world, said the old woman; 'and gin Christ wadna pray for him, what for suld I? Already, so soon after her son's death, would her theology begin to harden her heart.

'I think, continued she, 'they that hae taen interest in the house of Ellangowan suld sleep nane this night; three men hae been seeking ye, and you are gaun hame to sleep in your bed. D' ye think if the lad-bairn fa's, the sister will do weel? Na, na! 'I don't understand you, good woman, said Hazlewood.

"William Beth," he said, "ye hae tricked my boys out o' the bit property that suld hae come to them by their mother; it's no lang since they barely escaped being murdered by your son. What more want you? But ye perhaps think it better that the time should be passed in making hollow lip professions o' good will, than that it suld be employed in clearing off an old score."