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"One man missin', suh." "You were unable to hear any news of him?" "No, suh." The old weariness settled back on him. They had hunted first Croff and Webb and then he, too, as soon as he was able to sit a saddle. It was Weatherby's fate all over again; the ground might have opened and gulped Kirby down. "How old are you, Sergeant?"

Looking back oveh ouh acquaintance, thah's nothing in that young man for me to put a fingeh on; but, Tom, I tell you in confidence, suh, I'd give five yeahs of my old life, if the good Lord has that many mo' in His book for me, if the blood of the Dabneys didn't have to be uh mingled with that of these heah damned Yankees. I would, for a fact, suh!"

You wouldn't think of going one step further without resting. Here" she reached out one hand toward Mary Louise, testing the meanwhile the security of the upper step with the tip of a shiny shoe "the man will attend to the horses." "Man! Yes," Uncle Buzz recollected with a start. "Zeke! Zeke!" he began to shout again. "Come here, suh!" "Bushrod! Be still!" hissed Mrs. Mosby.

We coloured folks, sir, are often accused of trying to shield criminals of our own race, or of not helping the officers of the law to catch them. Maybe we does, suh," he said, lapsing in his earnestness, into bad grammar, "maybe we does sometimes, but not without reason." "What reason?" asked the colonel.

"Miss Charlotte say ef you want he'p you fine me a-sett'n' on de step o' de stairs hafe-ways down." I inquired if she was leaving us. "She a-gitt'n' ready, suh; Misteh Goshen done gone to de sta-able to git de hosses." The girl suddenly seemed pleased with herself.

H'it dat-a-way, Mars' George, suh, h'it jess natch'ly dat-a-way in dishyere world day, night, mo' day. What de Bible say? Life, def, mo' life, suh. When we's daid we'll sho' find it dat-a-way." Cato at my bedside with basin, towel, and razor, a tub of water on the floor, and the sun shining on my chamber wall. These, and a stale taste on my tongue, greeted me as I awoke.

"I reckon I won't pommel him, suh. Skt! skt!" And the vehicle rattled out into broad Pennsylvania Avenue, but for the confusion and absurdity of its architectural structures, the handsomest thoroughfare in America. Warburton leaned back luxuriously against the faded horse-hair cushion and lighted a cigar, which he smoked with relish, having had a hearty breakfast on the train.

Upon one occasion, when the colonel was alone in the smoking-room, the porter addressed him. "Excuse me, suh," he said, "I've been wondering ever since we left New York, if you wa'n't Colonel French?" "Yes, I'm Mr. French Colonel French, if you want it so." "I 'lowed it must be you, suh, though you've changed the cut of your beard, and are looking a little older, suh.

"Cunnul Bohun will see yo', suh," he said, and ushered him into the library a great, high-ceiled, shadowy room illuminated by a single lamp, tenanted by the old colonel alone. Bohun received the young man standing: he was as courteous beneath his own roof as he was impossible away from it.

Yas, suh, 'cause why?" retorted Zachariah, exercising a privilege derived from long and faithful service. "'Cause Miss Viola she done got yo' all bewitched. Can't fool dis yere nigger. Wha' fo' is yo' all feelin' dis yere way 'bout yo' own sister? Yas, suh, Ah done had my eyes open all de time, suh. Yo' all was goin' 'round lookin' like a hongry dog, 'spectin' Yas, suh!