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The enthusiasm of the poet for the beauties of nature and his enjoyment in walking over the hills and around the lakes, is suggested by the poem itself. One might suggest to the pupils that this is the story of a walk which he took one morning early in the spring.

"One of these days," said Andrew, the frown of anger returning to his brow, "I'll throw you out of the window." "Provided it is not, as now, on the ground floor, you would be committing an act of the loftiest altruism." Andrew returned to his forgotten breakfast, and poured out a cup of tepid tea. "What would you suggest just plain black or red Mephisto or stripes?"

As for dear Uncle Richard well, you know, he can't." "No, no! father is old and of late has been failing rapidly. Sarah and I can look for no help from him. On the contrary, we must help him. I have thought of nothing else, night or day, for years. Tell me what it is you have to suggest. What you have had to say to us has always been for our good.

Are there none of you who could study medicine and go out as doctors to some of the many needy places? Much was hoped for this district from the late Mrs. Smith, but God took her. Any one who comes here should have good health, and not fear seclusion from foreign company. I would suggest that a couple should come, a medical and a non-medical.

I hope your lordships will not adopt another of those bills which have been before your lordships only a few days, and which suggest, in truth, nothing more than a way of enabling a witness, who thinks proper to say he has conscientious scruples, to escape the solemnity of an oath.

The young people had strolled just a bit beyond the encampment, and now Greg compelled a halt under the added shadow of a big tree. "The test I long to suggest," replied Greg, "is so exacting that I hesitate to ask it." "My curiosity is aroused," complained Miss Griffin. "I had it in mind to ask you to look up into my face until you are certain that you will recognize it again."

My heart is here at Ticonderoga. Nor does prudence suggest to me that we retreat to Crown Point. My head agreeing with my heart says that we should stand here." "And that is your conviction?" "It is, sir. Ticonderoga is ours and we can keep it." "Upon what do you base this opinion? In such a crisis as this we must be influenced by sound military reasons and not by sentiment."

I would suggest Hamburg to artists following in the track of Canaletto, Guardi, or Joyant; they will find, at every step, themes as picturesque as and more new than those which they go to Venice in search of.

Oh, yes, the express had seen Oconostota. But for Oconostota he could not have made Fort Loudon. He had let him come with the two warriors, set free by Montgomery to suggest terms of peace and spread the news of the devastation, as a safe-guard against any straggling white people they might chance to meet, and in return they afforded him safe-conduct from the Cherokees.

Alaric Tudor to the club, he considered it to be his duty to suggest that the name of that gentleman should be struck off the books.