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On my arrival in Grosvenor Square I told my parents that I must go home to Glen, as I felt suffocated by the pettiness and conventionality of my late experience. The moderate teaching and general atmosphere of Gloucester Crescent had depressed me, and London feels airless when one is out of spirits: in any case it can never be quite a home to any one born in Scotland.

I think I should have suffocated in an open field with those literary remains of Thomas Bragdon heaped about me that night. On my return I went immediately to bed, feeling by no means in the mood to read The Poems of Thomas Bragdon.

You may conceive the consequence, Sir; I had not been long here, not two years, before my health was gone, Sir, gone the d d vegetable life sucked it out of me. The trees kept away all the air I was nearly suffocated, without, at first, guessing the cause. But at length, though not till I had been withering away for five years, I discovered the origin of my malady.

This was the first word of retort that had escaped the chidden sufferer; and this was uttered in a voice half suffocated with passion. 'Cruel, indeed! Every thing is cruel that contradicts the wishes of young ladies, whose melting tenderness is ruinous to themselves and to every body that ought to be most dear to them.

The rebellious surge of desire still suffocated her at times. There was beauty, the loveliness of the earth, the magic wonder of music and art, all the clamor of emotion for an expression of self. And love? Ah, that was dead for her. But the life within, the self, still hungered for possession at times more fiercely than ever. Why should it be killed at her age?

"If it had not been for the old man and the little boy you would have been suffocated in the bog," answered Fanny; "you ought to be very grateful to them for saving you, and see what trouble they are taking to get the carriage out." "I won't be lectured by you," answered Norman, "and I will go home as soon as I can get the carriage.

On one of these occasions he was seized with remorse, fell upon Hume's neck, embraced him warmly, and, suffocated with sobs and bathed in tears, cried out in broken accents, No, no, David Hume is no traitor, with many protests of affection.

But as my ears hummed, and all my bones danced in me with the reverberating din, and my eyes and nostrils were almost suffocated with the smoke, and when I saw this grim old gunner firing away so solemnly, I thought it a strange mode of honouring a man's memory who had himself been slaughtered by a cannon.

I was just now saying to my wife: 'Rougon is a great man; he deserves to be decorated." Then the gentlemen proposed to go and meet the prefect. For a moment Rougon felt both stunned and suffocated; he was unable to believe in this sudden triumph, and stammered like a child. However, he drew breath, and went downstairs with the quiet dignity suited to the solemnity of the occasion.

As it was we were nearly suffocated from traveling in a dense smoke for several hours. Then, fortunately, we reached the bottom lands of the Arkansas River and were safe from fire, as the valley was very wide and covered with tall green grass which could not burn; and no sooner was the last wagon on safe ground than the fire gained the rim of the green bottomland.