United States or Saint Barthélemy ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

If, therefore, any one among you feels that, for reasons he need not state, he has no right to accept his share of Anthony Westonhaugh's bounty, then that person is requested to withdraw before this letter to his heirs is read." Withdraw? Was the man a fool? Withdraw? These cormorants! these suckers of blood! these harpies and vultures!

Sometimes, I am told, these securities paid interest for a year or so, and the suckers got their friends in while there were a few left bonds, I mean there are always suckers. Like other egoists, our client became careless as time went on and one day took it upon himself to issue a few hundred bonds in a company without holding a directors' meeting.

It served just as well as a new lecture for every occasion, for the memory of suckers is even shorter than their judgment. Gents were invited to step up and weigh the honesty of those dice, and gaze on the folly of an old one-eyed feller who had no more sense than to take such long chances. If anybody doubted that he took long chances, let that man step up and put down his money.

The sailor, as he said this, simply nodded toward the sea. It needed no further pointing out to understand what he meant by the phrase "raw meat." Scores of sharks, both of the blue and white species, attended by their pilots and suckers, were swimming around the carcass of the cachalot. The sea seemed alive with them.

And aren't we five able-bodied jays, gentlemen? Five strong-arm suckers? It is an inelegant word; it is an inelegant feeling. No matter, we know a few things. There are five good men and a led horse; we can get out of here by Goose River, find out when we cross the railroad how much they got, and pick them up somewhere around the Saddle peaks, if they've gone north.

Then the Van Winkles, of Haerlem, potent suckers of eggs, and noted for running of horses, and running up of scores at taverns. They were the first that ever winked with both eyes at once. Lastly came the KNICKERBOCKERS, of the great town of Scaghtikoke, where the folk lay stones upon the houses in windy weather, lest they should be blown away.

The time came when I was compelled to leave the boys and go to Chicago, and that was the last I saw of old Canada Bill and Dutch Charlie until the following winter, when they both came down to New Orleans, and them we again made the suckers think we three were a good team. We went on board of Captain William Eads' boat at St.

I said, "Don't come one step more towards me, or I will cook your goose." He came to the conclusion that I meant business, and walked off. About that time there was a man done for every day in the Crescent City, but now New Orleans is a moral place, and some of the best people in the world live there. We were on board the steamer York Town one day, when I thought there were no suckers aboard.

The unhappy man, seized by the tentacle and fixed to the suckers, was balanced in the air at the caprice of this enormous trunk. He rattled in his throat, he was stifled, he cried, "Help! help!" These words, spoken in French, startled me! I had a fellow-countryman on board, perhaps several! That heart-rending cry! I shall hear it all my life. The unfortunate man was lost.

Certainly none of the American suckers who gave them money to spread pro-Nazi propaganda knew that both were masquerading under false names and that one of them is an ex-convict.