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He merely obeyed, and not very willingly, I suspect." "What for sort of looking lady was she?" "She wore a veil," said Barnes, succinctly. "Young?" "I had that impression. By the way, Mr. Jones, what and where is Green Fancy?" Jones looked over his shoulder, and his guest's glance followed. The man near the entrance had been joined by another.

"When I had taken my passage," he went on, succinctly, "I sent Henry up to the run to fill my place, and with him a letter to explain my sudden departure; and the next day, Heaven being kind to me I should have gone out of my mind if I had had to wait we sailed. I stood at the bow, with my face turned towards England, and counted the days before I could get there and begin my search for you."

When I explained to her casually that we were old friends, she succinctly remarked that you were a reprobate, and, feeling it prudent not to proceed with further disclosures, I bent my head demurely over my embroidery, and subsided into silence. I cannot discover why she disapproves of you unless it is that she has erratic notions about literary people. Perhaps she will alter her opinion in time.

As I said before, I can't reasonably suspect anybody." "Very well; we will get to Chancery Lane now, if you please, and you can tell me more as we go." "I have a cab waiting. What else can I tell you?" "I understand the position to be succinctly this: The drawings were in the office when you arrived. Nobody came out, and nobody went in; and yet they vanished. Is that so?" "That is so.

He recommended wise and vast plans; and these, if possible, would have been adopted. The substance of some of the leading ones I can recall from the journal of Her Highness and letters which I have myself frequently deciphered. I shall endeavour, succinctly, to detail such of them as I remember. Mr.

Barrow did not sit down at once. His attention seemed attracted by the Last Doll and the things which surrounded her. He settled his eyeglasses and looked at them in nervous disapproval. The Last Doll herself did not seem to mind this in the least. She merely sat upright and returned his gaze indifferently. "A hundred pounds," Mr. Barrow remarked succinctly.

Pearlie was pinning on her hat, and she spoke succinctly, her hatpins between her teeth: "You've been here two days now, and I notice you dictate all your letters except the longest one, and you write that one off in a corner of the writing-room all by yourself, with your cigar just glowing like a live coal, and you squint up through the smoke, and grin to yourself."

But Tom Cowan only glared as he passed on up the stairs. Robinson's protest set forth succinctly that Cowan had, three years previous, played left tackle on the football team of a certain academy whose right to the title of academy was often questioned and had received money for his services.

In a subsequent part of this pamphlet will be found, in brief detail, a plan, which the necessity of the case itself seems to suggest as the best means for ameliorating the condition of the Jewish body; and I only refer to it shortly here, in order to state succinctly the objects to be attained, and previously to an attempt, to show our brethren of all classes and of every grade, how intimately the interest of each is bound up with that of the whole.

Mrs. why do you ask?" "Why? I have hardly time to explain; but I am, as I told you, resolved on righting my old Italian friend, if Heaven will help me, as it ever does help the just when they bestir themselves; and this Mrs. Bertram is mixed up in my friend's affairs." "His! How is that possible?" Harley rapidly and succinctly explained.