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Previously to seeing the Dancing Widows I had little idea that there were any matrimonial relations subsisting in Typee, and I should as soon have thought of a Platonic affection being cultivated between the sexes, as of the solemn connexion of man and wife.

Envoys were deputed with a remonstrance against conduct so incompatible with the state of peace then subsisting between France and England. The governor received this embassy politely, and, at first, denied any interference in the quarrel, alleging that the Indians were independent nations who made war and peace without being controlled by him.

It is determined or conditioned by certain relations subsisting between God and man, as these relations have been affected by sin. What we must do, therefore, in the first instance, is to make clear to ourselves what these relations are, and how sin affects them.

Oldfield says: Person is a subsisting substance orsuppositum,” endued with reason as a man is, that is capable of religion. Thompson says: Person as, applied to Deity, expresses the definite and certain truth that God is a living being and not a dead material energy. Jouffroy says: Personality, in jurisprudence, denotes the capacity of rights and obligations which belong to an intelligent will.

It was through the medium of the Hellenes that the Cannanite race became known to the Romans, for, as we have already seen, they always designated it by its Greek name; but the fact that they did not borrow from the Greeks either the name for the city of Carthage or the national name of the -Afri-, and the circumstance that among the earlier Romans Tyrian wares were designated by the adjective -Sarranus-, which in like manner precludes the idea of Greek intervention, demonstrate what the treaties of a later period concur in proving the direct commercial intercourse anciently subsisting between Latium and Carthage.

"I have one of the greatest matters that have touched me since I came into this realm to open to you, and I must have your help in it." Then, still holding him earnestly by the hand, she entered into a long discourse concerning, as he afterwards told the Earl of Murray, a difference subsisting between the Earl and Countess of Argyle.

He failed to get provisions down from Rocky Mountain House; and his men, cut off by hostile savages from all help from outside posts, had literally to cut and shovel their way through Athabaska Pass while subsisting on short rations. The men built huts in the pass; some hunted, while others made snow-shoes and sleighs.

I also recommend that commissions be organized by Congress to examine and decide upon the validity of the present subsisting land titles in California and New Mexico, and that provision be made for the establishment of offices of surveyor-general in New Mexico, California, and Oregon and for the surveying and bringing into market the public lands in those Territories.

Nearly every boat that carried a mast had a flag or streamer attached to it, and some had dragons' heads on their bows. Would Lindley Murray permit me to say that I saw one barge manned by ten women? Though subsisting mainly by agriculture and pastoral pursuits, the Manjours devote considerable time to fishing.

Kawdle, who had maintained a correspondence with her by letters, was no stranger to the former part of the connexion subsisting between those two lovers, and had always favoured the pretensions of our hero, without being acquainted with his person.