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All this heraldic lore did not prevent the subsequent change for a time of the name Tabard to the meaningless name of Talbot, a distortion, however, which survives only in antiquarian history.

Whether it was a well-grounded one or not, will be shown in a subsequent chapter, but there is no doubt that the vigour of the enterprise was thus sapped at a most critical moment. The Provinces had never been more heartily banded together since the fatal 10th of July, 1584, than they were in the early spring of 1586.

She surveyed Bean through a glass-and-gold weapon with a long handle, and on the two subsequent occasions when she addressed him called him Mr. Brown. Once meeting him in the hall, she seemed to believe that he had been sent to fix the telephone.

Now, whatever may be the meaning of the emblem in the preceding and subsequent clauses, it can have but one meaning in our text itself and that is, the purifying influence of the Spirit of God. Baptism with the Holy Ghost is not one thing and baptism with fire another, but the former is the reality of which the latter is the symbol.

"Their occupation demands in its daily study and subsequent practice an amount of long-continued muscular energy of the severest character, little recognized or understood by the community"; and his description of their habitual immunity in the ordeals of womanhood reminds one of the descriptions of savage tribes.

But if the original creation of assignats were objectionable, the subsequent creations cannot but augment the evil.

Since that date, however, there has been a steady annual increase in the amount of coal consumed, and subsequent estimates go to show that the supplies cannot last for more than 250 years, or, taking into consideration a possible decrease in consumption, 350 years.

After all, then, we must carefully discover what a war was about, before we can trace it, either for good or for evil, into the subsequent life of a nation. There can be no such thing as exhaustion or deterioration, if the eternal laws have won the laurel of a fight; for they are fountains of youth, from which new blood comes rushing through the depleted veins.

The German Government accepts, as a basis for the peace negotiations, the programme laid down by the President of the United States in his Message to Congress of January 8,1918, and in his subsequent pronouncements particularly in his address of September 27, 1918.

There will be so much to say of the third and subsequent expansion of Assyria, that her earlier empires may be passed over briefly.