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Here they are," said Bremner, moving about actively in his preparations, as if he enjoyed such work uncommonly. By this time the men had assembled round the pair, and almost forgot the storm in the interest of the moment. "Hold him, two of you," said Bremner, when his victim was seated submissively on a cask. "You don't need to hold me," said Forsyth, in a gentle tone. "Don't we!" said Bremner.

These last words were an intimation, as plain as could be given, that Hyde might easily be converted into an enemy to their hopes, Charles took his lesson submissively, and orders were given that the Bill should pass.

In their present distress and adversity they allowed Philopoemen thus to cut the sinews of their commonwealth asunder, and behaved themselves humbly and submissively. But afterwards in no long time, obtaining the support of the Romans, they abandoned their new Achaean citizenship; and as much as in so miserable and ruined a condition they could, reestablished their ancient discipline.

But who having made a distant journey into Outer Land speaks lengthily of the level path of his return, or of the evening glow upon the gilded roof of his awaiting home? Thus, this limit being reached in the essential story of Chang Tao, Melodious Vision and the Dragon, he who relates their commonplace happenings bows submissively.

It was held that the authority over interstate commerce was to regulate such commerce and not to give Congress the power to control the states in the exercise of their police power over local trade and manufacture. Congress did not receive this decision of the Supreme Court submissively. On the contrary, plans were laid to nullify it.

A voyage of Virgil suggests the reflection that his friend's life would not be exposed to hazards on the high seas if the art of navigation had never been discovered if man had submissively respected the limits imposed by nature. But man is audacious: Nequiquam deus abscidit Prudens oceano dissociabili Terras. In vain a wise god sever'd lands By the dissociating sea.

The grim skeleton bowed his head submissively, and strode noiselessly away through the long grasses, the slender stems, trampled under his stealthy feet, relifting themselves, as after a passing wind. And thus he, too, sank out of sight down into the valley below. On the tableland of the hill remained only we three, Margrave, myself, and the Veiled Woman.

Tom desired no new acquaintance at that moment, but he followed Kenelm submissively. "YOU see we are fated to meet again," said Kenelm, stretching himself at his ease beside the Wandering Minstrel, and motioning Tom to do the same. "But you seem to add the accomplishment of drawing to that of verse-making! You sketch from what you call Nature?" "From what I call Nature! yes, sometimes."

Jarwin was frequently tempted to resent the treatment he received, but, fortunately, he was prudent enough to bear it submissively, for it is certain that if he had rebelled he would have been slain on the spot. Moreover, he set himself to carry out his favourite maxim namely, that it was wise in all circumstances to make the best of everything.

She thought he had mentioned almost every one with whom he had had any interchange of kindness at either of his homes, even to old nurse at Hollywell, remembering them all with quiet pleasure. At half-past eleven, he sent her to bed, and she went submissively, cheered by thinking him likely to sleep.