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His whiskers seemed to lift a bit like the hair of a cat under provocation. Then he tried to speak, but only stuttered helplessly a moment as if his tongue were oscillating between silence and profanity, and was finally pulled down by his wife, who had laid hold of his coat tails.

He was red with anger and he swore violently. Yellow Panther and Red Eagle had lost their blankets, but, whatever they felt, they kept it to themselves. They looked upon the trodden camp, but they did not lose their dignity. "What is this? What is this? What is this?" stuttered Alloway in his wrath. "We seem, sir, to have been run over by a herd of buffaloes," said Wyatt, smoothly.

"And can I bring Snatchet with me? I want him because he's Flukey's, and because he'll love me. Can I, Pappy Lon?" "Yep, damn it! ye can. Bring all the dogs in Tarrytown; but be back tomorry night." "I'll come, all right; but I'm goin' now." As the girl turned to go, Lem lumbered to his feet. "I've got somethin' to say about this!" he stuttered. "Sit down, Lem!" commanded Lon. Crabbe stood still.

"The last time I saw that girl she was coming out of the bedroom of a young man called Jimmy at five o'clock in the morning. In my house at Ledbury. You saw her recognize me." He was standing on his feet, looking down at me. I don't know what I looked like. At any rate, he gave a sort of gurgle and then stuttered: "Oh, I say...." Those were the last words I ever heard of Mr Bagshawe's.

Mactavish James and Uncle John Watson from Glasgow, who would have said "Hush!" when she waved her hand at the coffin as it was lowered into the grave and cried, "Good-bye, my wee lamb!" Life was so terrible it would not be supportable without love. She laid her hand on Marion's where it lay on the table, and stuttered, "Oh, it was brave of you!"

It never occurred to her that he could be bored by her impressions in these greatest days of her life. "To see a half-dozen well-groomed young men settle the affairs of India and Australia in a short, indifferent colloquy! How shy and awkward they were, too! They actually stuttered out their sentences in their fear of posing or seeming pretentious. So English!

"Hurry, Babs, you have just, time to dress and go with them." "B-b-but I said I wouldn't go," stuttered Barbara, completely taken by surprise. "No matter; tell father you have changed your mind." Helen held out her hand. "Come, to please me," and there was a world of wistful appeal in her hazel eyes which Barbara was unable to resist.

"I should come ostensibly to see you," he said, cheerfully; "to smoke a pipe with you." "Smoke!" stuttered the captain, explosively; "smoke a pipe with ME?" "Why not?" said the other. "I am offering you my services, and anything that is worth having is worth paying for. I suppose we could both smoke pipes under pleasanter conditions. What have you got against me?

"He he set down at de table but he ain't eat none," the boy stuttered. "What do you mean, George?" "He sit down an' look out de winder. Ah brung him some soup but he got up powful sudden, lak he had a call to de telephome, an' he ain't come back." "Are you sure of that, George?" "Yas, suh, Ah ast him did he want dinnah aftah he come back but he say he ain't hongry."

"I WAS in the City. S. went for our half-year's inkem. But we only got out of the coach, crossed the street to the Bank, took our money, and got in agen. How could you see me twice?" Altamont stuttered and stammered and hemd, and hawd. "O!" says he, "I was passing passing as you went in and out."