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Whenever the nature of the ground permitted Susie would walk beside me and impart her views. She trudged on sturdily, her feet enclosed in a vast pair of skin boots borrowed from some male relative. The evident disproportion in the sizes did not trouble her in the least. "I got four pair o' stockins," she informed me, "an' me feet feels good an' aisy."

It was as if he himself were the fifth little pig, and as if the wind were the wolf. The wolf-wind would stop for whole minutes, gather his great lungs full of air and then without warning would "huff and puff" his hardest. But though the cabin was not built of rocks, it was nevertheless a staunch little shelter and sturdily withstood the shocks.

The chirruping chafe of bamboo shoots were so many voices that hummed in harmony with the cries of birds and the chattering of monkeys. In among the tall, golden stems, short-statured brown ghosts moved, sarong clad; little people whose eyes gazed at the intruder with soft inquisitiveness as he strode sturdily forward.

They eyed him with silent encouragement. "Why don't they act like it, then?" repeated number two, who, being a man of few ideas, was not disposed to waste them. Captain Nugent and his friend turned to the harbour-master to see how he would meet this poser. "They mostly do," he replied, sturdily. "Treat a seaman well, and he'll treat you well."

'No, said Sosia, sturdily, 'a slave once disobeyed Arbaces, and he was never more heard of. 'But the law gives a master no power over the life of a slave. 'The law is very obliging, but more polite than efficient. I know that Arbaces always gets the law on his side. Besides, if I am once dead, what law can bring me to life again! Nydia wrung her hands.

He asked a thousand questions, all in the most polite and gracious tone imaginable, and not only urged a glass of his fine old Madeira upon Tom, but asked him to stay to supper. There was nobody to be there, he said, but his wife and daughter. Tom, all in a panic at the very thought of the two ladies, sturdily refused to stay even for the dish of tea Mr. Chillingsworth offered him.

Hannah trembled before him, but Betsey faced him sturdily, being amazingly like him, with a feminine difference; as like as a ruled person can be to a ruler, for the discipline of life had taught the man to aggress, the woman only to defend.

The parish is roughly the maenol, the district is the commote or the cantrev, the shire is the little kingdom like Ceredigion or Morgannwg which fought so sturdily against any attempt to subject it. The local councils were fortunate in the time of their appearance.

I only know that in the afternoon, when the air was aglow with the sunset, I was standing before the church of Saints John and Paul and looking up at the small square-jawed face of Bartolommeo Colleoni, the terrible condottiere who sits so sturdily astride of his huge bronze horse, on the high pedestal on which Venetian gratitude maintains him.

Pinderwell, and on the landing she found the friendly children whom she loved. Jim followed her, and he seemed to share her views; he paused when she did and stood, sturdily defying the unknown; and so they went together into every room, and mended Mildred Caniper's fire, and returned freely to the kitchen. "We've conquered that," Helen said. "We'll conquer everything. Fear is terrible. It's ugly.