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"By the way, what do you happen to have for supper? You see I've been " "Supper?" "I'm quite hungry I'm always hungry lately and " "Hungry!" ejaculated Mrs. Trapes, rolling her eyes, "here I tell him of wonders an' omens beyond pore huming understanding an' he's hungry! Lord, ain't that jest like a man! A man's soul, if a man has a soul, lays in his stummick. Hungry!

I had pulled his shirt up under his arms, while he was asleep, and as he began to move I took an icicle, and in the dim light of the candles, that were sitting on the table in beer bottles, I drew the icicle across Pa's stummick and I said to my chum, 'Doc, I guess we had better cut open this old duffer and see if he died from inflamation of the stummick, from hard drinking, as the coroner said he did. Pa shuddered all over when he felt the icicle going over his bare stummick, and he said, 'For God's sake, gentlemen, what does this mean?

Ma glanced affectionately at the mighty figure filling up the bed. The man nodded. "Y' see, things don't seem hard till you see your old man's blood runnin'," she went on. "Then well, I guess I ain't no more stummick fer fight. I'd be thankful to God A'mighty to end my days peaceful." Mrs. Rickards nodded sympathetically. "You're quite wise," she said. "It seems to me you've earned a rest.

One fragment that reached us, I preserved. "An' I sez to the doctor when he come, sez I, 'Doctor, I ain't held a bite on my stummick these three livelong days!" This was delivered by a buxom dame, fanning vigorously the meanwhile, and was noteworthy since the lady was closely followed by a little man whose frailty suggested dissolution, and who bore a large lunch box under one arm and a heavy child upon the other.

"That shows 'ow valuable it is," ses Peter Russet when they got outside. "Hold that string tight, Ginger. Wot's the matter?" "He won't come," ses Ginger, tugging at the string. "Come on, old chap! Good dog! Come on!" He stood there pulling at the dog, wot was sitting down and being dragged along on its stummick.

"Yes, I know it," murmured the father, with a grim pursing of his lips; "he investigated the inside of my watch last week, to find out, as he said, what made the noise in its `stummick, and it has had intermittent fever ever since.

Larry turned upon his friend with a look that betokened no good, and appeared to meditate an assault, when Will Osten said quietly, "Never mind, Larry; I luckily observed your omission, and put it into the canoe myself." "Ah, then, doctor, it's not right of 'e to trifle wid a poor man's feelin's in that way, especially in regard to his stummick, which, wid me, is a tinder point.

Then I 'eard a noise outside that took me to the door agin and kept me there, 'olding on to the door-post and gasping for my breath. The cook of the Saltram was sitting on a paraffin-cask playing the mouth-orgin, and the actor, with 'is arms folded across his stummick, was dancing a horn-pipe as if he'd gorn mad.

Sometimes," sheepishly, "I've tried it myself p'raps it's true. I did it this mornin' when I sat down an' pulled me sack over me 'ead on the bridge. Polly 'd been cryin' so loud all night I'd got a bit low in me stummick an' " She stopped suddenly and turned on Dart as if light had flashed across her mind. "Dunno nothin' about it," she stammered, "but I SAID it just like she does an' YOU come!"