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In the midst of their gambols they came close to the hillock where the shepherd's bonnet lay, he affected to stumble, fell upon his bonnet, which he immediately seized, clapping it on his head, when the whole troop instantly vanished.

Then something nudged him in the back, just hard enough to make him stumble a couple of startled steps forward south. He looked around, not really surprised to see nothing behind him, and remained standing where he had stopped. Moments later another nudge, more insistent, propelled him several steps further.

The single sentinel at his post looked wonderingly at us; but we, in the cool way young men do things, strode quietly on over the outstretched boots, without disturbing a single one of the snoring children of Anak." "I had the strongest inclination to stumble," the Count said, "that there might be an alarm given. What a resurrection we should have witnessed."

She was still standing a pace within her door, and thinking such thoughts when a foot stumbled heavily on the stairs. She recognised it for James's footstep she had heard him stumble on those stairs before and she laid her hand on the latch.

I had a suspicion you might prefer it that way." "Yes," puzzled by his manner, yet softly pushing the door back so as to exclude the light. "I can see better now. Are are you sure no one can overhear? I have something to tell you something important." "There is no one else here, yet some one might stumble into this room. It is not private, you know. We shall be safer on the porch outside.

I shall have to stumble on as best I can, sometimes ashamed and rebuked, sometimes stimulated and sometimes reduced to despair, by looking at the record of His life.

The Hawthorn critter had stayed over at his own ranch for the last week, an' Barbie wouldn't 'a' had no search-warrant swore out if he had sent over word that it looked so good to him that he had decided to continue to remain there for a million years. The guests had arrived plenty early, an' whenever Barbie would stumble on to a bunch of 'em she would head up an' get right rompy again.

That servant, who in an unbeliever's family doth his work before God, as God's ordinance, he shall adorn the doctrine of God, if not save his master by so doing; but if he doth otherwise, he shall both stumble the unbeliever, dishonour God, offend the faithful, and bring guilt upon his own soul.

If so, thy summer is not quite ended, thy harvest is not quite over and gone. Take heed; stand out no longer, lest he cause darkness, and lest thy feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and lest while you look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness. Hast thou any enticing touches of the word of God upon thy mind?

A still lingering consciousness of something to be done, prompted him to rise, however, and stumble toward the landlord, who, while scuffling with the jailer, thus addressed him: "Why, Bunce, it's but half done! you've bungled. See, he's too sober by half!" "Sober? no, no guess he's drunk drunk as a gentleman. I say, now what must I do?"