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I foresee that very shortly I shall descend again to a pencil, or write my letters with the aid of scratchy pens and fat, respectable ink-pots in the stuffy music-room. You will have two letters from Port Said. The one I wrote you two days ago finished in deep melancholy, but to-day it is so good to be alive I could shout with joy. I woke this morning with a jump of delight, and even Mrs.

The smell of hundreds of thousands of logs in the river, the crushed bark, the slimy ooze were all suggestive of life in the making. But the savage seclusion of the wild life in winter repelled his senses. Besides, the lumber business meant endless figures and measurements in stuffy offices and he retreated from it all. He had an artistic bent.

I'll put up the parasol and tuck it into the ropes so! that you may feel nice and private if anyone passes. Now then, how's that? Isn't that comfy? Isn't that an improvement on the stuffy little study?" Miss Everett rested her head on the cushion, and drew a long breath of enjoyment. "It's beautiful! It's perfect. I'm so happy! I never want to move again." "You are not to move until I tell you.

Honour bright, we shan't meet any one I sympathise with there." "Very well then, I'll come." "Hurrah!" cried Andrew eagerly. "It is stuffy and close in here. I did hope that we should have been down at the old house by this time." "Yes, that holiday got knocked on the head. Has Lady Gowan heard from your father again?" "Hush!" "Oh, very well; I'll whisper. But there are no spies here."

Even over the telephone wires, even though he stood, cramped and uncomfortable, in that stuffy little telephone booth, he felt the quick start of pleasure, the thrill of something different in life, which came to him always at the sound of her voice, at the slightest suggestion of her presence. "Well, my friend, what fortune?" she asked him. "None," he answered. "I have done my best.

I always feel I could do things so much better myself. Who wants to go to a stuffy old bazaar in the Mission Room? No one does! They go from a sense of duty. Mother groans and says, `Oh dear, if I could only give a subscription and be done with it! More cosies and chairbacks! I've a drawerful already! And bazaar things are hideous!

Mikolai felt desperate; the man only answered with a grunt now, it was impossible to explain anything to him. He felt as though something were choking him, he was obliged to run out of the stuffy room into the biting north-east wind that swept across the yard from the open fields and whirled the straw and chaff and feathers about that were lying around. How terrible it was!

I get so tired of that squinched-in, narrow, stuffy shop; and the place where I board is worse. I don't make enough to have a room by myself. There's two other girls in with me, and seems like we're always under-foot to each other. And there isn't any parlour, and we got only one bureau for the three of us, and you can guess what a mess that is.

No smile crossed the face of his friend as he firmly held the fighting fan, the iron and mystical fan of the Samurai. When Marco Davos left Ischl on the midday train, that picturesque, huddled Austrian watering-place was stuffy. He was surprised then most pleasantly by the coolness of Aussee, further down the line in the direction of Vienna.

Rainharbour was not yet deserted by summer visitors, although it was late in the autumn when Beth and Aunt Victoria returned. It had been such a lovely season that the holiday people lingered, loath to leave the freshness of the sea and the freedom of the shore for the stuffy indoor duties and the conventional restrictions of their town lives.