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The Mosquito Indians of Central America studiously and superstitiously avoid mentioning the name of the dead, in this regard resembling those of our own country.

So far as the moral character of secret societies is concerned, it matters not whether the transactions which they so studiously conceal are good or bad, sinless or wicked. If such transactions are good, the Savior commands that they be made known; if they are improper and sinful, he commands us to have no fellowship with them.

Yet to give him military resources may be only to arm him against the state. In such circumstances vacillation cannot be considered as a proof of dishonesty or even of weakness. These jealousies were studiously fomented by the French King. He had long kept England passive by promising to support the throne against the Parliament.

After studiously examining the egg on every side for he would do more than taste it and considering the source and destiny of it, he would summon his intuition to penetrate to the very heart of it, to its spirit, and then he would declare that this spirit was a vital momentum without parts and without ideas, and was simplicity itself.

The furniture was studiously plain: hard wooden chairs; an unvarnished table; a wooden bedstead, with no bed, and only a loose coverlet of sackcloth; the walls uncovered by tapestry; the floor unfurnished with rushes; such was the chamber of the man who had ruled England, and still exercised the most unbounded spiritual influence in the land.

Stanley had studiously avoided. "Possibly; but you are coming on all right. You have had no fever, no pain," the physician replied. "No, and I don't understand that part of it at all," remarked his patient, thoughtfully. "I have always supposed it was a terrible experience to have a broken bone set."

Barrett raised her wan face, he was studiously reviewing his rows of bottles, outwardly unaware of her presence. "Fong Wu," she said, in a low voice, "when will he wake?" "When he is rested; at sunrise, maybe, or at noon." "And then?" "He will be feeble. I shall give him more medicine, and he will sleep again." He rose and busied himself at the fire.

"You remind me that I have a favor to ask," she said. "I don't attend the other classes but I should so like to join your class! May I?" She looked up at him with a languishing appearance of entreaty which sorely tried Alban's capacity to keep his face in serious order. He acknowledged the compliment paid to him in studiously commonplace terms, and got a little nearer to the open window.

Doctor Smelly has observed, that loose stools, mixed with milk, which is curdled in the intestines, frequently relieves the turgescency of the breasts of those who studiously repel their milk. Cases in Midwifery, 43, No. 2. 1.

Spence, with his handkerchief to his mouth, had his back turned to them, and was studiously regarding the bookcases. After Honora had gone upstairs for the night she opened her door in response to a knock, to find Mrs. Holt on the threshold. "My dear," said that lady, "I feel that I must say a word to you. I suppose you realize that you are attractive to men." "Oh, Mrs. Holt."