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The dim yet fitful flame cast its upward light upon a countenance, stern, haughty, and repellent, where the passions of youth and manhood had dug themselves graves in many an iron line and deep furrow: the forehead, though high, was narrow and compressed; the brows sullenly overhung the eyes; and the nose, which was singularly prominent and decided, age had sharpened, and brought out, as it were, till it gave a stubborn and very forbidding expression to the more sunken features over which it rose with exaggerated dignity.

All the afternoon those living coals of divine remonstrance had been burning into him deeper and deeper but in vain: they could only torture, not persuade. For the first time in his life he had met face to face the fully aroused worst passions of his own stubborn, defiant, intractable nature: they too loved victory and were saying they would have it.

But he did not have the courage to look her in the face as he said it, turning away like a stubborn man who had no cause beneath his feet, but who meant to be stubborn and unjust against it all. "I don't believe it!" she said. "I will so, Joan." "Your word to Malcolm Reid means a whole lot to you, but your word to me means nothing!" Joan spoke in bitterness, her voice vibrating with passion.

"It is foolish, eh? The marriage costs so dear ... but if thou shouldst get steady work..." "Eh ben!" he answered slowly with his Normand shrewdness, "I don't say no." "I'll help thee, Jean; I can work hard when I am free. One wins forty sous a day by washing, and then there is the harvest." There was a certain stubborn conviction in her words which worried him.

But such is the instability of human opinions, that it was at length suspected, and at last ascertained-by the learned, that “the stubborn Israelites” had some reason for denying that prophecy, any voice in the affair.

These did not change the fact that we were held in check by the stubborn defense of the place, and a conviction was forced on my mind that our enemy would hold fast, even though every house in the town should be battered down by our artillery.

Dove had once been positive, no man on earth was more positive. It behoved him, therefore, to be right when he was positive; and though whether wrong or right he was equally stubborn, it must be acknowledged that he was seldom proved to be wrong. Consequently the attorneys believed in him, and he prospered.

There, where died the dream of a new nation; there, where the dashing Cavalier made his last desperate stand against the stubborn Puritan; there, where the cause was irretrievably lost, where the stars and bars made obeisance to the stars and stripes and the "gray gigantic host" faded from the tragic stage of the world, will be laid the dust of our honored dead to await the judgment day.

"Then things get serious," said Chaffing Jack. "Them miners is very stubborn, and when they gets excited ayn't it a bear at play, that's all?" "Well," said Devilsdust, "what you say is well worth attention; but all the same I feel we are on the eve of a regular crisis." "No, by jingo!" said Mick, and tossing his cap into the air he snapped his fingers with delight at the anticipated amusement.

I could see Mr Bradshaw was annoyed, and he and the other gentleman spoke to Mr Donne, and I heard them say, 'too barefaced; and I shall never forget Mr Donne's proud, stubborn look back at them, nor his way of saying, 'I allow no one to interfere with what I choose to do with my own. And he looked so haughty and displeased, I durst say nothing at the time.