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Of all the Exposition courts it is the most original and imaginative in conception, the most complete in its organic, structural unity, the richest in ornament, in poetic suggestion, in the depth and dramatic appeal of its symbolism. The Court suggests many architectural periods and types, yet eludes classification under any one of them.

Any structural weakness caused by severing the two lowest boards is counteracted by the two grooved pieces in which the drop-door moves. Odds and ends of weather boards should be kept for the door end of the house, which requires short pieces only, and is not boarded below the top of b2.

The monastic kitchen had been converted into a public-house, and the great gateway the finest structural relic of the Abbey had become the entrance to a brewery, while cock-fighting took place in the state bedroom above.

It might just as truly be said that the occurrence of structural variations in organisms is the central idea of natural selection. And it might just as truly be said that the action of external agencies in killing some individuals and fostering others is the central idea of natural selection. No such assertions are correct.

Fragments of the columns of the Temple of Artemis, now in the British Museum, tell of its size and richness, they also give the first hint of the downfall of art and civilization which was to follow centuries later. The Greeks of the great period had kept the structural parts of their building free of ornament. One cannot imagine Pheidias making a mistake such as this.

Because of the quality of their temperaments, nervous animals possessing no particular congenital structural defects of the hock and having no history of spavined progenitors, are subject to spavin when kept at work likely to produce tarsal sprain. Spavin usually develops early in such subjects and examples of this kind may be frequently observed in agricultural sections of the country.

If I am asked to frame a notion of Mind divested of all those structural traits under which alone I am conscious of mind in myself, I cannot do it. I know nothing of thought save as carried on in ideas originally traceable to the effects wrought by objects and forces on me.

Along with some weak motives or, to be more accurate, motives which are musically weak but dramatically a help Wagner has a huge list of tremendous ones, each a landmark. However, this by way of digression. Music evolved from this ballad forms, as I have said, the structural outline of the opera.

In a discussion of mating, it takes usually just the merest reference to these structural differences for children to see immediately the mechanics of mating. To many this will seem a very cold, stark, and inadequate presentation of a deeply psychic experience.

Darwin's views are sound, they apply as much to man as to the lower mammals, seeing that it is perfectly demonstrable that the structural differences which separate man from the apes are not greater than those which separate some apes from others.