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Characteristics of Crockett. The Weary March, Inglorious Expedition. Murder of Two Indians. Adventures at the Island. The Continued March. Severe Sufferings. Charge upon the Uninhabited Village. The army, upon its return to Fort Strother, found itself still in a starving condition.

Shackleford was killed on the spot, and Henry was slightly wounded by a shot gun with which Parham was armed." "Butchery. A Bowie knife slaughter took place a few days since in Honesville, Miss. A Mr. Hobbs was the victim; Strother the butcher."

Crayon's fee of fifty dollars for the second quarter were overdue, owing to his remittance from home not arriving; and one day the professor said, 'Well, Strother, my boy, how are we off for money? Strother explained how he was situated, and stated that he hoped to have the money next week. 'Next week! repeated Morse. 'I shall be dead by that time... dead of starvation.

And when out, I was somehow or other always delighted to be in the thickest of the danger. A few of us, therefore, determined to push on and join the army. The number I do not recollect, but it was very small." When Crockett reached Fort Strother he was placed in a company of scouts under Major Russel.

I remember that when my second quarter's pay was due my remittance from home did not come as expected, and one day the professor came in and said, courteously: "'Well, Strother my boy, how are we off for money? "'Why, Professor, I answered, 'I am sorry to say I have been disappointed; but I expect a remittance next week. "'Next week! he repeated sadly. 'I shall be dead by that time.

'Would ten dollars be of any service? inquired the student, both astonished and distressed. 'Ten dollars would save my life, replied Morse; and Strother paid the money, which was all he owned. They dined together, and afterwards the professor remarked, 'This is my first meal for twenty-four hours. Strother, don't be an artist. It means beggary. A house-dog lives better.

They soon came upon another detachment of the army, and uniting, marched to Ten Islands, on the Coosa River, where they established a fort, which they called Fort Strother, as a depot for provisions and ammunition. They were here not far from the centre of the country inhabited by the hostile Indians. This fort stood on the left bank of the river, in what is now St. Clair County, Alabama.

Imagination has, unquestionably, a most powerful effect upon the mind, and in all these miraculous cures, is by far the strongest ingredient. Dr. Strother says, "The influence of the mind and passions works upon the mind and body in sensible operations like a medicine, and is of far the greater force than exercise.

But I never had naught to say for mysen, though there was a deal o' shoutin', and old Sammy Strother, as were almost clemmed to death and doubled up with the rheumatics, would sing out, "Joyful! Joyful!" and 'at it were better to go up to heaven in a coal-basket than down to hell i' a coach an' six. And he would put his poor old claw on my shoulder, sayin', "Doesn't tha feel it, tha great lump?

But I must pause to give an account of my own servant, Tom Strother, who deserves honorable and affectionate mention at my hands, and serves to illustrate a phase of Southern life now passed away.