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Indeed, at this moment, two boys are with this apparently clumsy implement delicately peeling some of the small thorn trees, from the bared trunks of which they are stripping long bands of tough inner bark. With these three raw materials-poles, withes, and grass-M'ganga and his men set to work.

It would be absurd to suppose that the poverty of Aristeides was not voluntary, when, without doing any criminal act, he might by stripping the body of one dead Persian, or by plundering one tent, have made himself a rich man. But enough of this.

He said: "You were on watch. You were boss. You would not listen to me when I begged you to reduce your steam. Take that! take it to my wife and tell her it comes from me by the hand of my murderer! Take it and take my curse with it to blister your heart a hundred years and may you live so long!" And he tore a ring from his finger, stripping flesh and skin with it, threw it down and fell dead!

Nor did we stop until we came to the handmaiden's boudoir. There we seated ourselves. "Now," said Larry, "two things I want to know. First how many can Yolara muster against us; second, how many of these Akka have we to meet them?" Rador gave our equivalent for eighty thousand men as the force Yolara could muster without stripping her city.

The old man readily undertook it, and stripping himself quite naked, as most of the savages were, away he went.

"So we can," said Polly; "and you're a real good boy, Davie, to give it; that's a splendid present to help celebrate for mamsie!" "I'd a-given a boot-top," said Joel, looking grimly at the precious bit of leather which Polly was rapidly stripping into little bits, "if I'd a-hed it; I don't have anything!"

These were mutual hints for stripping, and, accordingly, each was naked from the waist upwards in a trice. A ring of butchers from the market was immediately formed; a couple of the reverend flamens, who, in morning gowns, ply for marriages in that quarter of the town, constituted themselves seconds and umpires of the approaching contest, and the battle began without further preparation.

After awhile, in came a great black slave, with a drawn sword in his hand, who said to him, "Woe to thee! who brought thee hither and what dost thou want?" My brother could make no answer, being tongue-tied for fear; so the black seized him and stripping him of his clothes, beat him with the flat of his sword till he swooned away.

There was deep water under it, and the eddy swung fiercely toward the rapid which swept on to the fall; but the trunk provided a tolerably safe pathway to one accustomed to the bush, and he reached a spot where a snapped-off branch projected into the river. Then, stripping off his jacket, he lay down and crawled along the branch.

Then, suddenly bethinking herself that a fowl was more easily plucked while yet warm, she carried the limp corpse, head downward, across the yard, fetched a basket from the kitchen, sat down on the doorstep in the moonlight, and began sadly stripping the victim of his feathers. He was a fine, heavy bird. As she surveyed his ample proportions Mrs.