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Many women, returning from a ball, impatient for their beds, throw off their gowns, their faded flowers, their bouquets, the fragrance of which has now departed. They leave their little shoes beneath a chair, the white strings trailing; they take out their combs and let their hair roll down as it will.

Remember thars two strings ter this here bow, as the feller says. We got another party uv good scouts ter hear frum yet. You jest come over ter camp 'n get a cup uv hot coffee." I said I didn't want any hot coffee and that I was just going to wait around with Westy. I just wanted to be with Westy. So Uncle Jeb went back in one of the other boats and Westy and I just rowed around together.

"Here we are." They had paused at the foot of a flight of stairs. Down the narrow hall-way floated a mingled sound of voices, high and low, with drifting strains of violin-bows laid across strings and quickly withdrawn. The old man looked at her inquiringly. "They hain't begun?" She shook her head. "They're tuning up." His face lifted a little.

So far as dampness and rain go, these never interfere with the action of the string. A well-greased bow will stand considerable water, though arrows suffer considerably. Wax your string every few days if in use; you should always carry an extra one with you. Strings break most commonly at the nocking point beneath the serving. Here they sustain the greatest strain and are subject to most bending.

"I, too, have seen spirits: a young girl made them. And I saw a juggler lying in the air in the amphitheatre." "But Thou didst not see the fine strings which his four assistants had in their teeth," put in Mentezufis. The prince laughed again, and, remembering what Tutmosis had told him about the devotions of Mefres, he said in a jeering tone,

Yet it is the weakest of his orchestral works the weakest and the least characteristic. There is much Liszt in the score, and a good deal of Wagner. Only occasionally as in the pianissimo passage for flutes, clarinets, and divided strings, following the first outburst of the full orchestra does his own individuality emerge with any positiveness.

He knows how to play upon the silver cord of the heart which binds us to a world of beauty, and vibrates only when touched by a master hand." The sentiments and emotions aroused in the breast of this critic appear to have been those with which Paganini inspired his audience, when he played a duet on two strings, as related in an earlier chapter.

"Old Vernon!" ejaculated Sir Willoughby, with a countenance rather uneasy, as if it had been flicked with a glove. "He strings his phrases by the dozen." "Papa contradicts that, and says he is very clever and very simple." "As to cynics, my dear Clara, oh, certainly, certainly: you are right. They are laughable, contemptible. But understand me.

In warm climates, the stock of a man-of-war sailor consists of four duck frocks, which are more like shirts than anything else, with sundry strings, and touches of blue binding about the breast and collar, which is generally lined with blue, and allowed to fall over the shoulders.

In a short time the supplies began to arrive, strings of camels, laden with corn, assembled at Shendy in the Egyptian camp; cattle, goats, sheep, came in from all sides; fodder for the Egyptian cavalry, to the amount of 1,000 camel-loads, was brought to head-quarters, and piled in a huge wall that encircled the tent of the General Ismael Pasha.