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The company's fighting men, after a day or two, forced them out of the barricade and into a special train, which carried them under guard to Chicago." Here was one gang of hired criminals, "the company's fighting men," called into service to fight another gang, the company's strike-breakers.

But the day revealed them, and again they were fugitives, until the police took them in hand and found lodging for them. One day a large factory by the North Bridge resumed operations with the help of foreign labor and strike-breakers.

In the drawing-office and the counting-house all was confusion; the strike-breakers had all to be obtained from abroad; while others ran away and had to be replaced. Under these circumstances Pelle had to look after himself and assimilate what he could. This did not suit him; it was a long way to the top, and one couldn't learn quickly enough.

Trees, flowers, grass, insects, ourselves woven together the world is dressed in life! I understand Uncle Tod's feeling! If only it would rain till they have to send these strike-breakers back because there's no hay worth fighting about! Suddenly her heart beat fast. The wicket gate had clicked. There was something darker than the darkness coming along the path!

Bangs cast a critical eye on his strong, well built frame: "We might use you in the factory," he said indifferently; "we need all the strike-breakers we can get." Quin's face fell. "I don't know about that," he said slowly. "I haven't made up my mind yet about this union business." "I thought you were helping the union men in the yard just now."

FEJEVARY: And we're holding up our end right along. You'll see the boys drill this afternoon. It's a great place for them, here on the hill shows up from so far around. They're a fine lot of fellows. You know, I presume, that they went in as strike-breakers during the trouble down here at the steel works. The plant would have had to close but for Morton College.

England has a wonderful system of bookkeeping and bureaucraft there are spies upon spies, and checks and counterchecks, so that filching a large sum from the Bank of England has been a trick never so far successfully turned. England's share in this transaction was not dishonorable that is to say, to buy a man is not so bad as to sell one. All she did was to hire strike-breakers.

"Then you've mistaken your man." "I don't think so, Sir Gerald." Without another look Malloring passed the three by, and walked back to the house. In the hall was the agent, whose face clearly showed that he had foreseen this defeat. Malloring did not wait for him to speak. "Make arrangements. The strike-breakers will be down by noon to-morrow.

The crowd used its wits to keep itself warm; punning remarks concerning strike-breakers and capitalists buzzed through the air. But suddenly an alarm ran through the crowd. The street urchins, who are always the first to know everything, were whistling between their fingers and running down the side streets.

The word of the song had reference, it was understood, to the incarcerating Government and not to the destroyer of the Albert Hall. The seat was lost, after all, by a narrow majority. The local Trade Unionists took offence at the fact of Cabinet Ministers having personally acted as strike-breakers, and even the release of Platterbaff failed to pacify them.