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They mocked and jeered at the tribes tearing down the houses, and with grim humor pointed out to them that they would have to rebuild the city whoever was successful in the strife, for either the Aztecs or the Spaniards would compel them to do so. So the fighting went on through the long days. XIII. A Day of Desperate Fighting

I need a motive stronger than I have yet known for the persevering energy that insures success: supply to me that motive. Let me think that whatever I win in the strife of the world is a tribute to Isaura. No, do not seek to withdraw this hand, let me claim it as mine for life. I love you as man never loved before do not reject my love." They say the woman who hesitates is lost.

There is something missing in me something that completed my identity; and, without which, I am not even a perfect atom on the ocean of time as I will be nothing in, the labyrinth of eternity! For, "The waves of a mighty sorrow Have whelmed the pearl of my life; And there cometh for me no morrow, To solace this desolate strife!" When I was able to bear the narration, I was told all.

They would see nothing around them, blinded by the daylight. They would undergo no struggles except the strife of the sexes and the spying of jealousy; for lovers are enemies rather than friends. I followed them with my eyes going through life, which would be nothing to them but fields, mountains, or forests.

"But he is in your hands now. Will you not set him free? You know that the charge against him is false false. He is no spy. Oh, monsieur, you and he have been enemies, but you know that he could not do a dishonourable thing." "Madame, my charges against him are true." "I know what they are," she said earnestly, "but this strife is not worthy of you, and it is shaming me.

Smugglers were amply provided with Dutch papers. Goods poured in from Europe every day in the week. Rich owners of neighboring islands, not knowing how the French-English strife might turn out, sent their valuables to Statia for safe keeping. The little island became a treasure-house. At times more than a hundred merchant vessels could be seen swinging to their anchors in the roadstead.

Yet, brave as he was, and fierce and reckless when met in the strife of warriors, never did his valour, or his fierceness, or his recklessness of danger, betray him into those excesses of wrath and cruelty, which, after great victories purchased by much blood and loss of dear and valued friends, will often be seen in the camp of the red man of the forest.

We, on our parts, were bewildered for a moment with the coming strife, but the thoughtful boys, rolling stones down to startle away the sharks before their dear Smart's way, recalled us to our senses. We let down the rope ladder, and the ready Smart swam to it.

Of cruelty and bloodshed in civil strife that age had seen enough, and on this too the poet dwells with bitter emphasis; on the unwholesome luxury and restlessness of the upper classes, and on their unrestrained indulgence of bodily appetites.

"Thou art not the favorite in this strife," observed the former, when a fresh burst of jibes was showered on the head of his unresisting associate. "Thou hast not been sufficiently heedful of thy attire, for this is a town of luxury, and he who would meet applause must appear on the canals in the guise of one less borne upon by fortune." "I know them!